One - The Reunion

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So you know all of those cliché books you find in the teen-lit section on Wattpad, about an inevitable love between a girl and her brother's hot best friend? Well I am proud to say I have never read one. The reason why is totally not because it would depress me, as all of the stupid happy endings are fake and definitely unrealistic.

Well... Actually, that is kind of the reason why I stay away from that genre. It's all because of a boy named Zander Reece Tomlinson, who is unfortunately my brother's best friend, and like the stupid cliché teen idiot I am, I'm in love with him. 


Growing up there was only one thing I ever wanted to be. A dancer. It is in my blood considering my parents met at their dance school, and I could basically dance before I could walk. They bought their dance school after qualifying as teachers, and lived happily for a few years, until it became apparent that the school was not enough of an income to support them, especially when my mum became pregnant with my eldest brother Kai. Although they had to sell up and pursue more secure careers, they made sure to install the same love for dance they had into their five children. Yep, five – they were crazy I know. It was always my mums dream to one day buy back the dance studio (where we all had regular lessons), but tragedy struck before she got the chance.

When I was twelve years old, my parents went away for a romantic holiday – their first in twenty-one years without any kids, but they never came back. They were hit by a drunk driver who lost control, and all of a sudden, my siblings and I were orphans. Kai who was twenty at the time moved back in to look after Eden, Isaac, Owen and me and became our legal guardian. Those were dark times, but dancing helped me to get through it as a reminder of them. I will forever be grateful to Kai who took the role as family head, becoming a father figure to the twins and me, and Eden who became a second mother, yet still our cool older sister at the same time.

It has been six years since that terrible day, and we are all largely in a better place now. Kai is twenty-six, married to a wonderful girl named Pippa and has an adorable two-year-old named Harvey. Eden is twenty-three, gorgeous, and fulfilled our mums dream by buying back 'The Brook School of Dance' after she qualified as a teacher and secured a loan. She also has a hunk of a boyfriend named Zach whom she lives with in the city. The twins Isaac and Owen are living up their youths as young adults in college with women bizarrely throwing themselves at them. I have no idea what they see in them – all I see is my two impish stinky older brothers. As for me, today is my first day in college. I am going to the same one as Isaac and Owen, as considering we have no parents we are all very close, and they want to be able to look out for me. My dream would have been to go to Juilliard, but I doubt I would have been accepted as so many try but fail, and I would not be able to see my family very much.

Yes, going to NYC is a lot more practical, and it means I can live with my best friend Waverly, who has been like a second sister to me since we were five. Waverly is quite possibly the most beautiful girl on this planet, the most incredible blend of black and white with all-year-round bronzed skin, a perfect wild afro of chocolate hair, striking emerald eyes and naturally plump lips. She is beautiful on the inside as well though, being the most kind and humble girl I know. Her nickname is Mouse as she is so quiet and shy, always scurrying along with her head bent down. Waverly is also a dancer, but she didn't pursue it like I did, focusing on her studies to pass with straight As. She is going to be studying psychology at college, and I know she is going to ace it as she is amazing at everything.

I am getting my degree in business and management, as although I will have a job at Eden's dance studio when I graduate (I often help out there), I have to be prepared to pay the bills as I get older and maybe want a family as well. Still, that is a long way off since I find kids seriously creepy. It's the same with old people. Also, I do need to find an acceptable baby daddy, which is going to be hard considering there is only one name on my list, and he is a BIG no – no. If only he wasn't so sweet and kind and hot and...

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