Twenty-Two - Broken-Hearted

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I thought I left truth or dare in middle school, but obviously not. I am pulled through to Viv's bedroom, which is sickeningly pink and has cringey inspirational posters on the rose gold walls such as 'too glam to give a damn'. The door is shut behind Rylan and Zander leaving me trapped in with a small crowd. Am I one of the popular ones now? I am pleased that neither of my brothers are in here otherwise this could get awkward.

Everyone is sat on the white fur rug in an uneven circle in various states of drunkenness. Empty bottles are littered around the room and already there is a dribble of liquid on the previously pristine rug.

"It's time for shots!" Chelsie calls out in a singsong voice as I kneel next to Rylan on the left, and lean against Viv's huge chest of draws behind us.

Most of the boys in the room are super hot ones from the football team, although the quarterback isn't here as apparently he's out with his boyfriend. Chelsie dishes out the shots whilst going on about how long it's been since she played truth or dare and how pumped she is.

"Right it's rule time!" Viv calls out energetically. "So we'll go round in a circle asking truth or dares, and the only rules are you have to drink one shot with every truth you answer, two with every dare, and five if you forfeit!"

Wow, this game has no respect for my sobriety!

The requests are normal at first, starting with Viv who asks a cocky football player who he lost his virginity to. The dares and truths continue in a similar nature like who was your first crush, how old were you when you dropped your V-badge, drink four shots etc., but then they get more intense. So far I've gotten away with just naming Jameela Jamil as my ultimate female crush, but Viv's friend Molly then turns her wicked attention to me.

"Truth or dare Nell?" She asks in a fit of giggles, and the shots in her slippery grip splashes out everywhere.

"Erm... lets go truth this time." I reply with a shrug.

I have my feet curled up underneath me and I'm leaning against Rylan. Viv and Zander are sat opposite us, and Zander keeps setting me ablaze with his scorching gaze. Viv keeps laughing wildly and falling all over him making him grimace, but apart from that they don't really seem to be interacting. Trouble in paradise?

"Ok... hmm... let me think..." Molly giggles as if she just said the funniest thing in the world. "Ooo I got it! How far have you and Rylan been?" She asks with a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows.

"Hmm pretty far..." I rush out with bright red cheeks, and avoid the eyes of everyone in the room.

Of course it's a lie, we haven't even kissed, but it's not like I can admit that. It's more scandalous this way.

Wolf whistles echo throughout the room and a couple of the guys congratulate Rylan with a thump on the back as if he has achieved some major feat. My eyes dart to Zander's like a frightened rabbit, and I notice that he is the only one not congratulating us. His face is turned away, eyes squeezed shut as if he is in pain and his fists clenched. He does looks jealous which is a positive...

Once the raucous group has calmed down, I choose Chelsie to be the next victim, and give her an apparently 'lame' truth asking which college professor she thinks is the hottest.

"Obviously Mr-Mr G-Grayson... he's soooo hot! There isn't even a comp, competition! Anyway, m-my turn now... I choose... Zander! Make out with your girlfriend." She chuckles childishly.

Oh god... No... Anything but that! I tense and a sick feeling swirls in my stomach as I contemplate having to watch them go at it in front of me. I would rather be tortured then have to sit through this!

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