Six - Friend Date

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Currently I have a free period, and I've decided to use my time wisely by studying in the library. There is row after row of neatly lined up books with their spines facing outward, and around twenty tables for people to read or study at. There is a kind of muffled stillness inside, and it isn't very busy apart from a couple of tutors teaching quietly and a girl with her earphones in clacking away at one of the computers, probably searching for the location of the books she needs. The coarse, cheap carpet on the floor should have been replaced years ago, and the off-white walls are bland apart from a few posters about bullying, tutoring, and a book club. Suddenly the swinging doors squeak open causing a horrendous amount of noise, and making the bitchy librarian frown. She is very precious about her library. I heard her scold a boy for breathing 'too loud' yesterday.

Looking up I do a double take as I notice Zander heading in with a pleasant smile, always looking so approachable and friendly. Why is he so freaking gorgeous? His black hair is messily scraped back in an 'I-just-rolled-out-of-bed' kind of way, and his eyes are as bright as gems radiating warmth. He is wearing a desirable leather jacket, which I cannot help but swoon at, and actually have to check my mouth to make sure I haven't drooled. He is every girls dream guy, inside and out. I even notice the librarian - the cantankerous Miss Lucas - perk up as he enters and flashes her a heart-stopping smile.

His eyes glaze over the library until he notices me unceremoniously staring at him, pen poised in the air and eyes open wide in wonder. His lips crack into a genuine smile as he makes his way over to me, making my heart soar.

"Hey is this seat taken?" He asks as he looms above me, never failing to impress with his height.

"Erm n-no." I murmur, welcoming him to sit next to me although hating my rosy cheeks - a symptom I always get when he is near.

He takes his backpack off his back and fiddles around in it, pulling out a couple of sizable books. I try to act natural and focus on the words in front of me, but they are all blurred out and I am trying not to scream aloud at the fact he is so close to me. I am hyperaware of his every movement, and am glad to see his awkwardness from yesterday seems to have been forgotten about.

"So how is college going?" He asks quietly when he is all set up.

Like me, it looks like he is having trouble focusing.

"Yes... ok. I think so anyway." I reply as I tuck my now curled blonde hair behind my ear.

"Are you sure? I'm always here if you need to talk to anyone." He insists causing a smile to curl at my lips.

Ah, he is just so sweet and genuine! If he weren't so darn perfect then maybe I wouldn't be so in love with him. Remembering that he isn't mine and probably never will be is like a bullet to the chest. If only he would view me as more then just his best friends little sister.

"Thank you Zander, I'll bear that in mind. And how is your course going?" I ask.

"Yes fine, there's quite a lot of work but I'm keeping up. It's crazy to think that I'll be qualified soon, and will have to find a good job to pay my mountain of debt off." He chuckles, referring to his architecture degree.

"I'm sure you'll be designing world-famous houses, bridges and whatever you want soon." I smile, and for a moment I am pulled into his electric green eyes, when a haughty voice clears above us.

"You know this is a library not a coffee shop. You should be able to show this place some respect at your age, as well as your fellow students who are trying to study in the peace of the library. Be quiet or get out." Miss Lucas snaps, her glasses slipping to the end of her pointy nose and eyes glaring at us hatefully.

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