Few months later...

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Alani's POV

It has been 3 full months since that fight. Everyone moved on. We now even accepted Sia as a friend. But just about a week ago I found out I was 3 months pregnant. I told my mom about the sex so she forced me to go. My mom and dad were excited. I kinda prepared for the punishing me for sex then banning me from seeing him. But it was the complete opposite. Today we were going to go to his house. I haven't talked to him since our break up so I was nervous to see him. My dad got out the car first and rang the doorbell. His mom opened the door a welcomed everybody in. "Im so sorry for how they broke up." she said. I walked in the house with a big jacket so you couldn't tell I was pregnant. "Jacob!" She said. "Yeah mom?" He responded. "Come down, Alani is here." she screamed back. Then he walked downstairs. I sat directly across from him looking at my phone texting the girls where I was and to come get me. Then another girl I recognize from our school came down. "This is Mindy, My girlfriend and tutor." he said. That caused me to text faster. "Jacob take Mindy and Alani to your room we are going to talk." his mom said. "Fine." he waved his arm to follow him. I sat on the floor to text them. They had just picked up Sia and were on their way. Mindy just stared at me. I wonder what her problem was. "So...." Mindy said. "What?" Jacob said. I was still looking on my phone texting. "You sure did date a fat one." she said. Dud this bitch just call me a fat girl. I looked up at her. "I guess you can't tell the difference between fat and-" I cut my sentence off thinking of how this would go. Then the girls walked in. "Ready to go celebrate your pregnancy!" Sia said. Oh god. Mindy and Jacob just stared. "Yeah girl,is the baby daddy coming along?" Nioami said. "He wouldn't come for shit, he's a selfish piece of shit with another hoe already." Karma said. I face palmed my self. "I haven't told him yet, that's my parents job." I said. "Ohhhhhhh."They all said. We sat in silence for a minute. "So that's why your so fat and ugly?"Mindy said. Karma, Sia, and Nioami stood up. "Guys, now is not the time to fight. We should go and celebrate somewhere else." I said. Then Jacob's mom came in. "Here's some money for all your troubles my son caused you." she said handing me a check. "Thank you." I said smiling. "So when's the baby shower?" She said. "We are invited right?" She said. "Uhhhhh" I said. I didn't want his mom to force him into the family. "Look Mrs. I don't want you to force Jacob into this family.If he can't handle public humiliation,he can't handle my daughter. If he cared he would have never founded a new one." I said. The mom just started tearing up. "O-o-okay."she said crying and went out the room. I waved bye to Jacob. "Do I don't get a bye?" Mindy said. "Actually you do." I came I front of her face and stuck the middle finger at her. "Go fuck yourself because if he wanted you he would've had sex with you a long time ago." I said. She just looked at him and then at me. I smiled happily and left.
Woohoo score for me.

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