the scalpels the limit

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Word Count: 3137 Words EDITED

Word Count: 3137  Words  EDITED

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"Dr. Webber, you paged?" I asked nervously while standing in his office.

He barley acknowledged my presence as he was still doing paperwork at his desk.

"The merger." Was all he said.

Was this his way of firing me? That damn merger. But he wouldn't fire me, would he? Everyone here knows I'm the best surgeon at Seattle Grace. Granted, I wasn't even in my prime yet.

For God's sakes, I won a Harper Avery as an intern. That's never happened, like, ever.

My father forbid me from even attending the event. It took Harper Avery to personally come here him self and basically worship the ground I walked on.

Out of everyone, it was assumed I was safe. After all, I am a Kline.

"Sir, are you firing me?" I asked with my head held high.

'Always stay confident, Mina. You're a Kline, you have my blood running through those surgical veins, you are unstoppable. Never forget that.'

I could almost hear my fathers words run through my head.

Dr. Webber finally looked up from his desk in bewilderment. He lightly sat his pen down before getting up to stand in front of me.

"Child have you lost your damn mind? I'd be damn near crazy to fire you when you're the only person I've allowed to do solo surgeries since their intern year. And it's not because you're a Kline. You were made for this," he spoke while putting his hand on my shoulder.

He had to have seen the confusion on my face because he continued.

" You've only lost 2 patients out of 500 surgeries. With that said, I want you to take your boards early and since they are technically a few years away, I brought them to you! Isn't this great? Here are your new scrubs. Call your dad, I'm sure he's going to be proud. " he spoke while handing me the dark blue scrubs I've longed for my whole life.

He's promoting me, to an...attending.

"Sir? You're promoting me? I mean I'm not complaining, thank you sir." I huffed out.

I couldn't show him I was too excited.

'Keep your cool, always. Even if a patient is dying, you keep your cool. We can't control everything, because we aren't God...but us Kline's, are damn near it.'

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