then and now

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3rd person pov - lowercase intended , this chapter will switch between her past with nate and now, hence the title 'then and now' , so just keep that in mind so you won't get confused !

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3rd person pov - lowercase intended , this chapter will switch between her past with nate and now, hence the title 'then and now' , so just keep that in mind so you won't get confused !

word count: 4,150 - edited !

started writing - 3/29/20
finished - 3/31/20 (i did finish it in one day but decided to add an extra 2,000 words at 12 o'clock in the morning ! lol )

published -


"i'm just saying, love is a million things dad. sometimes it feels good, sometimes it doesn't. the one thing i know is that nate loves me, no matter what."


for as long as karminia could remember, everybody loved her. she never knew exactly what it was, she just knew she had something special. something intangible, something immeasurable. and it gave her confidence. and that's why she liked pageantry, or at least for a little while she did.

because you didn't have to be the prettiest, or the tallest, or the blondest, or the whitest. you just had to have fucken confidence. and she probably would have gone on to win miss universe if it weren't for her father expressing that it 'wasn't her calling'.

part of her always resented her father from taking that away from her. the one thing she did on her own, the one thing she didn't have to carry a legacy for.

just one herself.


"why didn't you tell me?"

jackson's hand came between the bridge of his nose.

karma looked up at him. and for the first time in her life, she didn't know what to say. not only was she in shock, she just didn't have an answer for him.

"i mean-we have a child together, karma. i've know you for how many years? and this just somehow managed to slip through the cracks?"

he was frustrated.

she didn't like when he was upset with her.

had it been any other day, she wouldn't have been fazed by his obvious anger.

but seeing nate after all these years, the scared, abused 17 year old girl came through.

"i wasn't ready to tell you," she whispered.

she looked around the room with her teary eyes. it wasn't the first time they found themselves arguing in a supply closet.

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