mr. clark

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"I had a dream. I got everything I wanted. Not what you'd think, and if I'm being honest it might've been a nightmare."

"Society is a fraud, so complete and venal that it demands to be destroyed beyond the power of memory to recall its existence."

Flashbacks are italicized , there is a 1 year time jump, I don't follow the show completely so the shooting is just now happening!

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Flashbacks are italicized , there is a 1 year time jump, I don't follow the show completely so the shooting is just now happening!

Karma Word Count: 2347 - UNEDITED

1 Year Later

"From what I understand, Ms.Kline, you were the first to see Mr. Clark, correct?" The therapist asked me.

The shooting was only a week ago and they've already made all of us sit in a circle and talk about our feeling.

Lexi was to my right and Alex was to my left.

From Lexi, Meredith was next to her then Mark, Derek and Jackson.

From Alex sat Cristina, Owen and Mark.

I stared at the ground numbly.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Can you walk me through that?"

"Seriously, dude? She experienced the most out of all of us." Jackson spoke up.

He's still defending me even after we've broken up a month ago, cute.

"Which is why I'm starting with her first. Ms. Kline? Walk me through."

"Excuse me sir, you can't be here." I said while looking at the man.

He seemed very flustered.

"I apologize. I just need help getting somewhere." He said.

Alex came through the doors behind me, along with Reed.


"Hey man, you can't be here. You need to leave. Sorry." Reed said, in a much ruder tone than I did.

Something must've snapped in him, because his face changed almost instantly upon hearing her rough voice.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a gun.

"He shot read in the head." I said.

"And what about you and Alex? You said he was with you?"

I felt like I kept repeating myself.

Alex must've seen that I was about to break down because he spoke for me.

"I was the closest to Reed, Mina was in front of me. He pointed the gun at her and I jumped in front of it." Alex said, as if taking a bullet for me was like running to get my morning coffee.

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