The Sly Workings of Haters

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Hello guys! How's it going? Having a fun life? 

        Me, too. At least, I was until I came across the most unbelievable thing. Someone decided it was completely okay to start harassing a user. 

        And why?

        Because they hadn't uploaded when the person wanted them to. 

        I'm sorry, I'm sorry, what? Since when do you get to dictate when someone must upload? Are you a god? No? Then what gives you the right to start hating on someone because they have a life and haven't had time to upload, especially when it says there will be slow updates on their profile! People on here right for themselves (usually) and will upload when they want to and when they can. Not when you decide you want an update. 

       I'm going to break down the Wattpad haters into categories. This might not cover all of the haters, but these are the ones I've come across and may I just say, I apologise if this offends anyone, but it is not okay to hate on someone because they can't upload. 

        1: The 'OMFG UPLOAD NOW BITCH' Haters-
        These are the ones I mentioned earlier. The ones who will nag you relentlessly for updates until they snap and start yelling and harassing you and just tell you to take down your story if you're not going to update it. about you learn to be patient and back the fuck up? Hmm? Okay, cool.

        2: The 'I HATE EVERYTHING' Haters-
        These haters hate on everything. It doesn't matter if you're the best author in the world, you will most likely get harassed by this type of hater at one point or another and why? Who knows. Maybe these haters are jealous, maybe they want to feel better about themselves, maybe they had a crap day or maybe, just maybe, they're a bad person? I don't know. 

        *chuckles* Truthfully, these are my favourite type of haters because usually, when they continually criticise your story, grammar and plot, they're own stories aren't any better. Now, there's a difference between constructive criticism and just being a dick. Constructive criticism would be, "This wasn't a bad start. There were a few grammatical errors, but those are easily fixable and whilst the plot seems a little cliche, I'm sure you'll twist it and make it your own. Keep up the good work." Okay, I have a problem with being super blunt, so I generally try to be kind when giving criticism, but what I wrote gave them tips, alerted them to mistakes and possible downfalls, but didn't put them down and make them feel like crap. 

        'Haters gonna hate.' It's true. Haters won't go away, but we can at least be strong enough not to hate back, right?

        Well, I'm going to go chill out now. It's hot, I'm flustered and all of my eight siblings are at home. It's crazy here, guys. Seriously, I need aircon. Also, sorry for any mistakes I may have made during my rampage. I'm babysitting and must leave! Au revoir! Auf Wiedersehen! 

        Hope you found this somewhat...helpful? I don't know. 


        Not Steve

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