Chapter Five

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"Go play!" Marcy urged the kids after dinner.

The kids ran out, screaming to the playroom. Mally trailed out slowly.

"You're not in trouble. Get out."

He blew out a breath and ran out.

"I don't know. I think he should have some sort of punishment." Mal leaned back in his seat.

"Like what?" Marcy began loading the dishwasher.

"Maybe he can go with you when you walk the dogs and pick up their poop?"

"That's mean." She giggled.

"It'd teach him how to use his words."

"Fine. Whatever. I'm more interested in what we're going to tell them about us."

"What are you going to tell them?" Ellen spoke up.

"I think we have to figure out what we're doing. So I'm going to put my cards on the table. I love you both and I want us all to be together."

Ellen gasped.

Mal nodded. "I've loved the both of you for years. I never dreamed we could be together but it's a new time and we can be."

Ellen flushed.

"So what are you thinking, Elle?" Marcy pressed.

Ellen took a deep breath and spoke from the heart. "I've loved Mal since the first time he spoke to me. And I think I fell for you when I saw you at prom. I was set to be jealous of this mystery girl he was bringing but it was you and it was like the night sparkled a bit brighter."

"You had a boyfriend." Mal pointed out. "Why would you be jealous of whomever I brought to the dance?"

"Mal, we didn't break up because we fell out of love. We broke up because something was missing."

"Was it me?" Marcy asked.

Ellen giggled. "I think so."

"So what is it that we want?" Mal wondered. "Are we going to be in one relationship? Do we marry you? Is marriage even on the table?"

Marcy paled.

"Are you okay?" Ellen crossed to her.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry. I just had a mini panic attack about getting married. Old hangup. But I'm already married so I shouldn't be scared." Marcy was still pale.

"Marriage scares you?"

"Scared. I'm over it now."

"You look sick to your stomach."

"I'm fine." Her color was returning.

Ellen peered at her in concern.

"I'm fine." Marcy was breathing more easily. "Marriage kicks ass when it's with the right people."

Ellen smiled warmly. "And you think I can be the right person?"

"Sure do." Marcy pinched her chin gently.

Ellen flushed. "I think marriage is a little soon. We should get to know each other and bond as a threesome."

"Hey, you know I think we know enough about each other but if that's what you gotta do to want to marry us some day, so be it."

"Marce is right. We've been getting to really know each other over the past four years but if you need more time, we'll give it to you." Mal agreed.

Ellen smiled, filled with love for the both of them. "I promise not to take long. I just want to see how we'll be together. Without miles separating us."

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