Chapter Thirty Three

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Ellen was a bit scared. They'd practiced what to do when she gave birth but that was before her fiancée told her about her miscarriages and the twins' birth.

The Fabangeses were cramped up in the hospital room, supportive for Ellen but mainly watching Marcy, who sat in a chair near the bed, stroking the redhead's hand soothingly.

Ellen's family made it before she had to push and it was awkward as they didn't know what to say to these people.

When it came time for Ellen to begin delivery, everyone had to get out but Marcy, Mal, Lilly Majors (Ellen's mother) and Laura.

"I'm scared." Ellen admitted.

"Look at me." Mal urged lowly. "I will never let anything hurt you. I will always be there for you."

Tears leaked from Ellen's eyes.

Marcy kissed the side of her sweaty face and spoke Cheyenne words of comfort. "Even in the grave, all is not lost."

That confused Ellen but she felt braver than she had two minutes ago. Besides, if Marcy could survive her life, couldn't she, Ellen, survive childbirth? "Okay."

Marcy gave her first smile in a month. "You can do this, chickie."

Ellen felt strong and brave and ready to do anything. "I love you."

"We love you, too." Both told her.

Then she began pushing.


Yleana Daisy Chang was born ‪at 3:45 PM‬, looking like a pale copy of her siblings. She had light brown hair and dark brown eyes.

She was a bit chubby and she cried lowly. Tristan loved her.

Sawyer and Aisling did not and plotted to get rid of her.

Ellen was so in love. She'd never thought she could do something like this and she'd done it. She gave birth to a child. Her child.

You couldn't hit Mal in the butt with an apple.

As for Marcy, she held the baby and looked in her eyes and promised to not let harm come to her.


"Wow. This is gross." Ellen wrinkled her nose.

"You did yours; let her do hers." Marcy refused to change the baby's first few diapers.

Ellen blushed. "Did you look?"

"I already know what it looks like down there." Mal shrugged.

"That's not the point."

"No, I didn't look."

"Thank goodness."

"Oh honey." Lilly shook her head. "You have to get over your shyness if you're going to be married with children."

Everyone but Marcy and Yleana stopped. Would there still be a wedding?


Everyone cheered when Ellen and baby Yleana came home. The Scorpio was so exhausted that she went straight to bed.

Mal and Marcy watched over Yleana as the kids raced in and out, viewing their new baby sister.

When there was a free moment, Mal looked at Marcy. "Hey?"

"Yeah?" She was busy kissing the baby.

"Are we still getting married?"

She continued rocking with Yleana and humming. "We did make the plans."

"But if you want to call it off, we'd understand."


"You're hurt."

She said nothing for a moment. "You can stop pretending to be asleep now. I want you to hear this, too."

Ellen opened her eyes with a pout but sat up. "I wasn't pretending."

"I don't know the future. I barely know about right now. But I do know I love you both and I want to be married to you both. I give you my sacred vow not to kill myself before we are married."

"What?!" He stood up.

"That's all I have, Mal. Take it or leave it."

"So you're saying you'll kill yourself after the wedding?"

"No. I'm saying I definitely won't before the wedding."

His wheels were turning.

"We're not pushing the wedding back so you can trick me into living longer."

He frowned. "Fine. Then that means that we have to keep you so happy, you'll never want to die."

She didn't know what to say to that. "I want to go get tattoos."

"So you're going to ignore me?"


He gave her a flat look.

"Don't tattoos hurt?" Ellen spoke up.

"Very much so." Marcy confirmed.

Ellen chewed on her lip. "Can you get a tattoo for me?"

The corner of Marcy's mouth kicked up. "Sure."

Mal huffed. "You could at least add to mine."


In the end, both Marcy and Mal ended up with new ink. Every scar she had ended up with a picture to cover it. Like the old ones, Mal had realized.

He was happy he could touch her again but he had to be careful because she wasn't going for long touches. So after they'd gotten inked, he gave her a big hug that lasted three seconds.


Lilly held her first biological grandchild. "She looks just like the others."

Ellen beamed. "She does!"

Lilly smirked. "I hope you get everything you want, sweetheart."

"Thank you, Mom. I do, too."

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