Chapter Fourteen

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"Please come home. It's urgent. Ais is hurt." Rose's breath came out fast but like she was taking calming breaths.

Marcy replayed the message, so upset that she'd missed her mother's call. She hurried home and saw Mal and Ellen coming in behind her. "Has she answered?"

"No." Mal was frantic. "What did her message say exactly?"

"How about we hear it from her mouth and see it with our own eyes?" Marcy led the way inside.

They went inside the building then up to their condo. They went inside calling for their children.

The triplets ran to greet them. "Mommy! Daddy! Mama!"

"Are you okay?!" The trio checked them over. "Where's Ais?! Where's Gram?!"

"Kitchen." Cheyenne took Ellen's hand and led her there.

The others followed.

Rose was feeding Aisling mashed peas (unsuccessfully). "Would you just eat?!"

"What are you doing?" Marcy's voice took on a dark quality.

"I'm trying to feed your impossible child."

"Hello?!" Jeanette's voice sounded before she appeared. "Hey? You're home? Why's everyone in the kitchen? It's after lunch and nobody gave me my kisses."

The triplets ran to give her hugs and kisses.

Marcy held up her phone and replayed the voicemail her mother had left her. A scared Rose was clearly heard but the Rose before them was (also clearly) fine, if covered in peas.

"What's going on?" Jeanette was so confused.

Rose moved the tray to Aisling's high-chair and gave the clean baby to Ellen. "Ellen, dear? Can you take the children to the playroom and sit with them?"

Ellen gulped. "Can you show me how to turn on a movie?"

The triplets knew yelling was about to happen so they led her out.

Rose looked at Marcy's livid face, Mal's adrenaline filled face and Jeanette's confused one. "I lied."

Marcy reacted as though she was blown away. "Oh my! Really?!"

"That is unnecessary."

"What's unnecessary is my presence here or an alibi when I'd be totally justified in killing you."

"Stop threatening to kill me!"

"That's cute. You think it's a threat."

Rose stomped her foot. "We have to talk!"

"I have two days to prepare for my concert and you pulled me away because you want to chat?! I called Mal! We were worried and freaked out!"

"I'm sorry you involved Mal but he needs to hear this, too-"

"Hear what?!"

"Stop interrupting me!"

"Or what?! You're going to lie?!"

"Marcy!" Jeanette stepped forward. "I don't understand what's going on but just hear Rose out."


Jeanette was stuck. "Because I'm your mother and I said so."

Marcy tugged out a high stool from the island and struggled into it, even with Mal's help. "Okay. It's important enough to lie and bring bad juju to my child. What's so all-fire important that we must talk about?"

"I know you're being facetious but I still take it." Rose took a deep breath. "Mercy told me-"

"Oh my goodness! Of course she told you! She couldn't stand to be wrong so she ran and tattled so you could bully me into apologizing!"

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