Chapter Twenty Six

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Marcy let Mal open the door but she let Ellen and the kids in first. "Okay, the others should still be at your new grandparents' houses so we can show you around before we go get them."

"Wow!" Rajah and Cerise looked around.

Sola peeked around silently.

"This is a very splendid home." Xindi bowed.

"It's going to be our city home soon." Marcy shook her head. "It's too small."

Xindi looked around the foyer.

"I know." Ellen couldn't imagine someone saying the condo was small either.

"Go look around." Marcy smiled.

Xindi followed the little kids out.

Ellen kissed the baby, who they'd named Sawyer. "Do you want to get down?"

The little girl pouted.

"Okay." Ellen was so glad she didn't.

Mal watched Marcy watch Ellen, both wearing smiles. "I can go get the kids."

"Okay." Marcy finished putting away the kids' outside gear. "I'll make food."

"I'll help." Ellen offered.

"Don't poison us."

Ellen was so offended.

Marcy smiled.


Mercedes introduced the two British children they'd adopted to their natural children. "This is Valentino and Gabriella."

Her children stared at her blankly.

"Guys, this is Beth, Mike-Mike, Cai, No, Sol and Hank."

"Baby!" Valentino pointed at Soleil and Henry.

"Yeah!" Quinn hugged him. "They're babies!"

He beamed from the praise.

"Do you want to go play?" Mercedes asked the children.

Nobody said anything at first.

"Come on, guys." Mike urged. "Go play."

"Do I have to share my room?" Beth demanded.

"For the moment." He sighed.

Beth didn't want that. She'd barely agreed to let her parents get new kids.

Mike-Mike went up to Quinn and raised his arms. She picked him up. "Play, Mommy?"

"Yes, play." Quinn nodded.

"Okay, Mommy." He wiggled to be put down then pushed three year old Valentino to the play room, Cai following.

Noelle peered at Gabriella. "Look, Mama!"

"Isn't she pretty?" Mercedes pinched both two year olds' cheeks.

Noelle smiled before taking her new sister's hand and leading her off.

"What's wrong, Bethie?" Mike got down on one knee.

"You got babies!" Beth pouted.

Mike put her on his knee. "I know it might seem like we're only interested in small children and you're a big girl but we will never not have time for you. You're all our number one priority. I swear."

"Really?" Beth rubbed at her face.


She threw her arms around him, hugging him for a few seconds before getting up. "I can make them a snack. Come on, Gram."

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