Chapter Twenty Three

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Marcy walked along the aisle at the party store. She and Sam were chaperoning their younger siblings as she shopped for things for the twins' birthday party.

Sam was rambling in her ear about Claudia but she wasn't paying attention. She was too busy thinking. It'd been two weeks since her last meeting with Yheng but not with Gianni. They fought every time they came in contact with each other.

She was thinking of quitting singing but she didn't want to be weak. She didn't want to let Yheng run her away. She'd run away too many times but not this time. She was taking a stand and refused to let anyone else hurt her.


She popped back into the conversation. "What?"

"Are you okay?" Sam peered at her.

"I'm fine." She frowned. "I just wasn't listening."

"I'll say. I said that I think I'm ready. Claudia and I have been together for months-"

"Oh, Sam!" She groaned.

"Come on, Marcy! Please?!"

"You've known each other four months!"

"But I love her!"

"How do you know?" She challenged.

"Because she's amazing." He smiled with his heart.

She looked at him, her heart warming. She knew he loved fast and hard but that was the look she always wanted to see on a man's face when talking about her friend. "Are you sure about this, Sammy? Really sure?"

He realized she was caving and nodded happily. "Yes."

She grew really happy. "Am I your Best Woman?"

"Of course!"

She giggled. "Let's catch up to these two before they go make twins."

He paled. "Oh no..."

She caught him as he tried to run off. "Sammy! I'm joking!"


Ellen waited for Marcy to come home before turning to Mal. "Now we can talk."

He found this very suspect and feared he was in trouble. "Okay..."

Marcy went about doing her night routine then climbed in the bed tiredly. "What?"

"I don't know. She says we have to talk."

Ellen frowned at him saying it that way but continued. "I want to visit my parents for Thanksgiving."

Marcy looked behind herself at the door. "Did I lock the door?"


Mal was cracking up laughing.

"If you want to visit your parents for- whatever, go ahead. We're not chaining you to the house." Marcy began braiding her hair.

"No." Ellen steeled her spine. "I want us to go."

"You keep saying that. Just go."

Ellen realized Marcy thought she meant her and the baby. She smiled. "Marcy, I mean all of us."

Marcy licked her lips slowly. "Oh."

"You don't like my parents!" Ellen burst into tears.

Marcy was wildly unnerved but now used to crying pregnant women. She let Ellen cry herself out before hugging her. "When is this holiday?"

Ellen rolled her eyes. No matter how many times she'd told them about the holiday, they forgot. "It's the last Thursday of this month."

"It can be part of your birthday present." Marcy teased as she let her go.

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