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// art is not mine!!! it's from an animatic of the song "best day ever" on youtube by springbon t- aka my favorite artist ever //

squidward's pov, third person

   Waking up has never been easy for Squidward. Probably because his next door neighbor, Spongebob, always woke him up at 5:30 AM.

"Why on earth do you keep waking me up this early?!" Squidward snapped at the shorter male at his front door.

"We both always need to be prepared for our shifts to start!"

"OUR SHIFTS START AT EIGHT!" Squidward retored, slamming the door in Spongebob's face, stomping back upstairs.

"Don't forget to eat breakfast! You usually don't and I want to make sure yo...." Spongebob's voice trailed off as Squidward ventured further and further upstairs, back to his bed where he took the offer of spending 3 more hours in bed before going to work.

time skip.

Squidward walked into the Krusty Krab, checking his watch. 8:19. He shrugged. This job didn't really matter much to him at all ever since Spongebob showed up, but he still needed to pay the bills somehow.

"Hiya Squidward!" Spongebob exclaimed, waving his arm wildly. "Did you remember to eat breakfast?"

The taller male just huffed as a response, signifying a hard 'no'. Spongebob's face melted into a concerned look.

" can't keep doing that..." he murmured, placing a hand on his grumpy neighbor's shoulder. Squidward shrugged him off without responding or looking away from his book. Spongebob contemplated if he should push it any further for a few seconds, but ultimately ended up heading back into the kitchen.

   The day went on as usual, and when the shifts ended and the restaurant closed, Mr. Krabs called the two into his office.

   "Now, I know ye don't really get along well," Mr. Krabs began, eyeing the two. "And that's exactly why I called ye into me office. Y'see, we're going to do a...erm, whatchamacallit.... a team building exercise."

   This earned two very different responses. For instance, a loud "YAY!" and a happy jump from Spongebob, and a spirit-crushing groan from Squidward.

   "Is there any way we can...I don't know, get out of this?" Squidward asked, a hint of hope in his voice.

   "Not a chance!" Mr. Krabs replied with a laugh almost as irritating as Spongebob's. Squidward let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

   "How long will this 'team building exercise' last for, exactly?" he questioned.

   "A whole night!"

   "And, Mr. Krabs, might I ask...what is it?" Spongebob inquired.

   "Oh, it's a sleepover!" their boss explained. "But, as I have me precious whale daughter to take care of, I have to stay home. So it'll just be the two of ye."

   Squidward was about to go on a rampage before Spongebob presented an alternative that wasn't very better than the last, but still somewhat better.

   "How about we all have a sleepover and you bring Pearl along?" Spongebob replied excitedly.

   "Oh, I, um..." Mr. Krabs stared off into space. "I'll consider it. Ya got a day to prepare, cause tomorrow night'll be the night!"

   And with that, the two were sent home.

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