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// unless I say the art belongs to me, just assume it doesn't from now on (This is by pancaketiffy) //

Squidward barely slept that night. He lay awake thinking about how he was going to survive the next night. Eventually, he worried himself to sleep.

He woke up feeling exhausted, but a few cups of coffee quickly extinguished this.

Work went by as usual, only with a slightly more energetic sponge to annoy Squidward even more.

And then the fateful time came.

"Alright, boys," Mr. Krabs said after the restaurant closed. "Change of plans, we're hostin' the sleepover here."

   "Are you kidding me?!" Squidward exclaimed. "Ugh...please say you brought sleeping bags..."

   Mr. Krabs laughed. "Oh, no. I sent out a company email this morning telling you to bring yerself yer own bag!"

   "WHAT?! WHO EVEN CHECKS THOSE?!" He retorted in exasperation.

   "I do!" Spongebob said, pulling a sleeping bag out of what seemed to be his pocket.

   Squidward raised a brow in confusion, but didn't ask. "So, I guess I'm sleeping on the floor."

   "Oh! No, you don't have to do that! We can share!" Spongebob offered, grinning.

   A red tint spread across Squidward's face. "Wha-? There's no way in kelp I'd ever do that!"

   "Don't worry, I can lay it out! I brought an extra blanket, so we can use the sleeping bag as a bed and the actual blanket as a blanket!" The smaller male grinned.

   Squidward was about to object before he saw Mr. Krabs shooting him a stern glare.

   "Fine, whatever, just....stay on your own side," he muttered, giving in.

   Spongebob giggled in excitement. "Oh, I knew you really wanted to, Squiddy!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around the other.

   Squidward immediately backed away. "Don't push it," he warned, only to be met with a large smile from Spongebob.

   The rest of the night was spend playing card games and board games. Squidward would never admit it, but he did enjoy it.

"Anyways, me boys, it's gettin' late! You, uh, you have fun, bye!" Mr. Krabs said, rushing to his office and locking the door behind him.

The two coworkers stared in confusion.

"," Squidward said awkwardly.

"Here, I'll get everything ready. You just sit back and relax!" Spongebob offered. Squidward gladly accepted the offer of him not doing anything.

He sat back for a few minutes, sipping on some kelp juice he got from the back.

"Alrighty, I'm finished!" the smaller male announced. "I'm going to sleep now, wanna join?"

"No, thanks," Squidward responded. "Give me a few minutes."

Spongebob nodded as he climbed onto the sleeping bag. After a few minutes he slightly rolled over, causing the blanket to shift into a clearly uncomfortable position.

Squidward sighed, walking over to his coworker. He knelt down and pulled the blanket up above Spongebob's shoulders, a small smile itching to break through. He laid down as far away as possible from the other but still making sure he was on top of the sleeping bag. Squidward let out a small sigh as he turned to face the opposite direction, letting himself fall into the deep sea of sleep.

He woke up with a pair of arms wrapped tightly around his midsection.

   Of course, he slightly suspected this would happen, but didn't think about how he'd react. Now was his time to find out.

   The answer is simple. He didn't react. He was quite surprised at first, before he realized that he had never had anyone hold him like this before, and he realized how nice it felt. Even his ex-boyfriend, Squilliam, was never very intimate with him at all. That didn't come as a surprise, though, since Squilliam never cared for him anywa-

   Squidward's thoughts were interrupted by movement. He quickly realized Spongebob was waking up, and his face flushed a deep red.

   "Mmm...good...morning, Squiddy," the smaller male muttered, yawning mid-sentence. To Squidward's surprise, Spongebob's grip slightly tightened as he burrowed his face in his coworker's back.

   "Spongebob..." Squidward warned. The smaller quickly apologized, letting go immediately. Squidward felt a small pang of regret as he soon felt cold. He desperately missed the warmth of Spongebob's arms. Would he ever admit that? No, of course not. That just the way Squidward is.

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