Okita Souji •|No Time to Think|•

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Let's give a little more love for our man Souji who I haven't written about in forever!♥️


You ran an orphanage. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the building you were in was destroyed by furies and the Shinsengumi wanted to keep you close to make sure you don't spill their secrets.

The monks at Mibu temple agreed to welcome you and the children per the request of the Shinsengumi.

And now, here you were... running an orphanage out of a temple.

"Alright children, line up!" You instructed in a loud voice. "Let's play hide-and-seek!"

"Yeah!" The kids shouted excitedly.

"You all are lively this morning." Okita had appeared suddenly.

"Okita-San!" The kids ran to the man. They had gotten familiar with the man since he visited the children often.

"I thought you guys were going to play tag." Okita walked toward you and the kids followed suit.

"Where's Mifune?" You asked. He was one of the older boys at the orphanage who Okita took under his wing.

"He's sparring with Saito." Okita waved away your worries. "They're using wooden swords."

"Aren't you supposed to be his mentor?" You asked, hands on your hips.

"Yeah but we found out that the kid is left-handed." Okita was genuinely curious. "So Saito is thinking about taking him instead."

"Ah! Saito-San is left handed?" You were taken aback. "So rare."

"Is being left-handed better?" One of the children had asked curiously.

"No, the world is filled with both right- and left-handed people." Souji patted the child's head. "Neither one is better than the other."

You were no longer surprised by his skill in interacting with children.

"Now that we have that settled," you gathered their attention. "Let's play! Who wants to be it? Since there's so many, we'll have two people!"

"I want to be it with (y/n)-sensei!" One of the boys yelled. "Sensei is good at these games."

"No no no." You shook your head. "It's only fair if you pick one of the other kids. I have to talk to Okita-san."

"Okay." He pouted, but as soon as he picked another friend to be his partner, the game began.

"You don't need to count too long." You informed the two seekers. "Everyone has twenty seconds to hide!"

"Whaaaat?" A girl whined. "That's not enough time!"

"It's to make sure that you guys don't run too far." You patted her head and pointed her to where she should hide.

"Okay!" She nodded.

"So what did you want to talk about?" You asked Okita as you made your way around the corner to the laundry basin. "That's why you're here, isn't it?"

"Yeah, glad you noticed." The male gave one of his signature smiles, then his eyes became sharp. "You haven't told anyone, have you?"

"Who would I tell?" You asked. "I only have the children and the monks that I interact with on a daily basis."

"I see. That's true." Okita stared at the pile of clothes that you were rinsing the soap out of. "Then, you wanna go out sometime?"

At this question, your eyes immediate flew upwards to the male who was watching you work.

'What's with this timing?' You thought.

Okita crouched down to meet you at eye level and smiled.

"G-go out with you?" You were obviously taken aback.

"Yeah, that's what I said." Okita stared at your blushing face nonchalantly.

"B-but if we go on dates, who would watch over the children?" You asked.

"I'm sure the captains wouldn't mind from time to time. They see how hard you work." Okita crossed his arms, waiting patiently for your reply. "Plus, we're kind of keeping you here against your will. So they feel guilty about that."

"What about that girl Chizuru?" You asked, trying to avert his attention from your beet-red face. "Have you not taken an interest into her? She's constantly around you men."

"I'm not interested in kids." Okita grabbed your hand from the water and kissed it. "And even though she's always around us, I'm always around you."

You weren't sure if it was because of his actions or his words, but you had to avert your gaze downwards.

You began thinking. What he said was true. He definitely came to visit more often than the other members of the Shinsengumi. Okita also interacted with the children fairly well.

"I'm not giving you any more time to think about it." Okita smirked, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. "You'll just start thinking of reasons to say no."

"That's unfair..." you mumbled.

"What's unfair are the faces you're making." You saw the male stare at you intensely.

"Stop it." You unconsciously pulled your hand back. This slight tug was enough to send Okita into the basin with the water and clothes.

As revenge, Okita grabbed your arm and pulled you in also.

"This is so embarrassing." You covered your face as you felt your thin yukata suck up the water.

"You're very erotic." The male set a hand on your hips, enjoying the view.

Currently, you were straddling him, and through the wet yukata, he could trace out the curves to your body more accurately.

"You pervert..." you tried to get up, still covering your face.

Okita tugged at your free arm, and you fell back down onto him.

"You can't leave until I've gotten my answer." The male demanded. He grabbed your hand from your face and settled it onto his chest.

"Y-You're so bold." You blushed. "I don't have any experience with men."

"I can tell from your reactions." Okita stared at your crimson face with excitement.

"O-okay I'll go out with you." You finally opened your eyes and stared at his wet bangs that were dripping with water. You followed his hair down to his bright red ears.

You were genuinely surprised by this.

"I'm a man too." Okita noticed what had caught your attention.

Of course he was blushing. You were in such a perverted position.

"Are you going to sit on top of me all day?" Okita nipped at your exposed collarbone.

You immediately stood up and got out of the basin.

"Let's continue this tonight." Okita walked over to you and kissed your forehead. "Go change so you don't catch a cold."

You began to walk toward the building and Okita watched you leave. The wet Yukata hugged you in all the right places.

"She's too sexy to be taking care of kids." Okita turned away and headed to his room. "But I guess it's because she works so well with kids that she looks sexy to me."

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