Part 12

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It's already almost the weekend. Next week starts the extra credit course of restoring Hogwarts and I am ready for that. It breaks my heart to see the rubble just lying around in the halls or Moaning Myrtle's trashed bathroom. This is my home. Tomorrow is  Friday and we have it through Sunday off. Draco still hasn't talked to me and I'm losing hope but I can't go to him. It may push him away even more. Ron and Hermione have both been very supportive but even they need their own time. As a rather new couple, they deserve time to go on dates or do what they want in private. I don't want to be their third wheel. But they don't like to leave me alone which is why we are in Gryffindor commons room together just chilling out. I'm pretending to read while they cuddle and sweet talk to one another. Most of Gryffindor is down here studying, talking, playing games, and whatever else people do when they have nothing better. I don't know how long I've been staring at this book pointlessly, but it's clear to everyone that I'm not really reading because when something brings me back to Earth, I realize that the book is upside down.

"Did you guys hear that?" Seamus calls. 

"I think it was a knock on the door?" Hermione answers. We wait a moment before it happens again. Seamus walks to the large door and opens it.

"What do you want?" I hear him ask. It's odd that whoever it is would knock because all Gryffindors have the password as well as all of the professors. "Harry, it's for you." Seamus walks away with a smirk on his face and reveals Draco Malfoy behind him looking annoyed at the whole situation. I close the book I wasn't reading and stand to greet him.

"Hey." He says, cooly.

"Hey," I respond. He looks good. He's been eating every meal this week... not that I've been watching or anything. He isn't wearing his robes. Instead, he's wearing black jeans and an emerald green sweater. How very Slytherin of him. We've stepped closer to one another and all that remains is merely a couple of feet between us. His hands slowly come out of his pockets and I fidget with my fingers. I want to hug him. I've been having nightmares and his hug at the trial made me feel safe and warm.

"I'm sorry. The rumors were just hard to take. I've had a lot on my mind lately." He admits.

"Is that an apology from a Malfoy? Am I dreaming?" I reply playfully and a grin slips onto his face.

"Am I usually in your dreams, Potter?"

"You wish." I retort.

"Ah, that I do Harry." He leans against the door frame with a lazy smile.

"I'm sorry about the rumors, too. If I would have just kept to myself at the trial everything would be fine." I say.

"Hey, don't apologize. It was comforting. I don't really get hugged much if any. And holding hands is definitely not something I've experienced before. It was... nice." His face glows pink.

"It was nice." I repeat.

"Do you still want to come with me to the burrow? I mean, to see Scorpius, that is." He coughs and it's my turn to blush.

"I'd definitely like that."

"McGonagall has us set to leave tonight, which is why I came so late in the evening. She wants me to get as much time with him as possible." He adds.

"Oh, of course. Let me grab a bag of some stuff and we can go." I turn to walk away but he grabs my hand to stop me. I look at him questioningly and he gestures to the others in the room. "Right. Come with me." I don't let go of his hand and I am very aware of the stares following us. And maybe one of two wolf whistles which I will have to kill Ron for later. Once I've gotten my stuff, we head back out to the commons area and towards Ron and Hermione.

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