Im trying to go to sleep but i can't as my best friend parents are arguing non-stop since i gor here and i feel sorry for Alfie as he suffers this every single day, i just imagined how lucky i am that my parents never fought in front of us and if they did it was a small bicker Alfie interrupts my thoughts by saying "im sorry i didnt mean for you to go through this, i told them not to shout each other today but they clearly didn't listen to me." He sounds like he is going to cry i get up to let him know that "its fine" - even though i cant close my eyes. Alfie smiles and turns around making his back of his body my view. Within minutes i hear nothing making it easier to sleep peacefully.
"Auden, wake up!" Alfie exclaims out of excitement. I rub my eyes and wake up and say "what" in my half British, half American accent. He jumps on his bed and says "Nothing i just wanted you to wake up its almost the afternoon." My eyes directly makes contact with the clock and he is right it is nearly twelve. I get out of bed and wait for mum or dad to pick me up after i quickly ate breakfast.
"HONK" it wasnt really loud but it alerted me to leave him to head back home. I tell him i will see him at after the weekends and head out and see that is Emery picking me up which i dont mind but her music taste is well out of my league. "Hey, mum and dad were in bed still so i thought i will just pick you up." In her sweet voice. I reply with "How comes? Mum always wakes up early." She looks at me and starts laughing and says "i said the same thing yesterday." We make eye contact and i say "Oh right, they've been trying." We start choking out of laughter and Emery replies with "We are definitely having a baby sister or brother."
Our parents think we dont know anything about sex but here and there in science we learn about it.We arrive home and our parents are sitting in the couch on their phones - being anti-social - "Hi Mum, Hi Dad." I smile and grab an apple and sit inbetween them. "Hiya darling, sorry we couldn't pick you up." Mum says kissing my cheeks, also she says to Emery "Thanks Em, for picking him up." Mums smiles to her when she is thanking her.
Its already the five in the evening and Dad is out getting some snacks because Mum wanted to have some chips - or crisps as dad says that is their term for 'chips' in england - but Mum doesn't want to go out as its too 'cold' for her so Dad insists he will go.
After half an hour the door bell goes "DING DONG" - well not really but you get the jist - Mum opens the door and Dad says "hey babe" and they have a mouth to mouth session until me and Emery cough so they are alerted we are near, we can see them roll their eyes and Dad puts the groceries bag down and Dad slides Mums chips/crisps or whatever you call them, towards her. And gives Emery her choclate bar, my Sour Patches and i notice through the white plastic bag; there is a box which says 'clear blue digital pregnancy test' and that's how you know they have been trying. Dad takes the bag off the counter and i rapidly shift my eyes to my Sour Patches before he notice whats in the bag.
An hour later being half seven Mum orders A large Cheese Pizza for us and a small Pineapple Pizza for her; the pregnancy cravings are already happenimg because she hates pineapples. Regardless of Mums choice on her pizza we eat dinner by talking about another school 'trip' Emery wants to go, Dad isnt keen but he has no choice to fight about it with Mum as they swore they won't fight in front of each other but little do they know there is no school trips; Emery has a boyfriend, Filip but they don't have a clue about him and won't until she tells them about him, the only reason she isn't is because what if things dont work out, Mum and Dad will always be on her case and she does not like that at all ecspecially after her last boyfriend Sam he was so sweet and my soster loved him dearly untol they broke up, 'apparently' its because he wasnt allowed a girl friend but my sister was his first and this Mum got mad so they moved country. I dont know how Mum and Dad fell for that because i know its nothing except a stupid excuse that i didnt believe; Em is a good liar and this fake school trip just shows that Mum and Dad should pay more attention on what she is saying. "Goodnight Mum mwah, Goodnight Dad mwah, Goodnight Auden mwah." Emery says to all of us and kisses us in the cheek snd heads off to brush her teeth, and i go to do the same.
Emery is gone to bed, Mum and Dad are cleaning up and i am eaves-dropping my parents saying "When shall we tell them?" And "What do you think their reaction is going to be?". I cant believe it, mums pregnant and theres going to be a baby brother - or sister- crying 24/7. I cant wait to have another sibling but a part of me wants it to be the four of us - ugh i dont know -. I go to bed and try to go to sleep with Mum and Dad's conversation i just overheard them talking about which i know shouldnt have but i couldnt help my self listening.
After Everything
RomanceTessa is a dedicated, dutiful and loyal wife and mother to her kids and Hardin; who was a mysterious and brooding rebel but now is a loving, lively and delicate husband and father to Emery and Auden and is now trying for baby number three but will t...