Chapter 10 Thieves Den

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As we walked, I said nothing in reply to the happily chirping, richly attired girl walking beside me , as for the first time, and not the last, I wondered if something had been afoot with the Blue Haired, pursed mouthed lady that Ginny had seen as a kind older lady needed help, like the bird with a broken wing she had tried to help a few days past( a blue jay!). So was the blue-haired lady, with the silk scarf and wearing a rather unisexual pantsuit, acting out the part of a "blue jay", using her "broken wing" as a ruse to lure my Ginny safely away for her own nefarious reasons?

Surreptitiously, I carefully checked over Ginny from head to heeled toes as we walked, to make sure nothing was amiss. Her rhinestones were still safely all in their place, but I did not see the ruby ring, and my heart went still, and chills prickled down my spine! Bullocks! I swore under my breath, that pucker faced tart walked away with it. Ginny, I said, a little choked, she swirled facing me, her green eyes questioning, as she raised her hand to her perked breasts, and there it was, the small, but rather pricey, ruby ring she so loved wearing, the glittery darling had turned around on her finger so it was hidden from my view

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief, I just wanted to say how lovely you looked this evening my lass, I said saving myself. She smiled winningly, giving me a deep hug for my words. We walked on, as my beating heart slowed down, I convinced myself that maybe the incident of lost keys had all been harmless, and I was just being a worry-wort. I apologized silently for what I had called the fashion-challenged blue-haired lady in my mind. But I was still beginning to feel like ever a fool to have let Ginny, handsomely decked out as she was, out of my sight at this early hour of the morning.

I opened my mind and let all such thoughts flee my head, for the world was now ours, as we made our journey together, hand in hand. We ended up making a very long stroll in the Provincial Park, and re-entering the same isolated, secret glen we had been in earlier, proceeded to continue acting out the role-playing game we had started at the apartment.

Ginny went to the middle of the clearing to wait, pretending she was smoking, like a moll from a gangster movie. I circled and watched her sparkling figure, black in the glens shadows, move about a bit.

And as I did, my thoughts wandered a bit, and I remember reflecting ( not for the first time) how in the older black n whites, the heroine, or villainous, is always wearing gowns, elegant long gloves, and jewelled to the sparkling hilt. Then she walks alone to and then waits in some dark alley or some other desolate spot for her contact, or hero to show up, much like Ginny was acting out now. So how is it that those fancy dressed and well jewelled unescorted dames, always manage to get to those spots and are able to wait around in them alone, in those movies, and nary ever meet a ruffian who strips them of those pricy looking sparklers they are flaunting about? Just saying!

Saying a brief prayer that my thoughts were not tempting a fate of that type to occur to us now that I had been thinking it, I came out of the shadows and approached Ginny. Keeping my left hand in my pocket like I was carrying a heater. Hey sister, I said, been waiting long? No, she whispered, did you get the goods. Hot as ice I said proudly, producing the necklace and earring I had liberated from the dancing "dame".

As I showed Ginny my take from "the dame", she squealing over the fact I was able to take one of her diamond earrings, bonus she chanted. Playing a thief's role, I kept mum about the bracelet, no honour amongst thieves I thought mischievously.

We laughed over what the "dames" reaction would be when the jewels were discovered missing. As we snickered, Ginny caught my eyes and then we got off on a tangent about jewel thieves in love and ended up re-enacting the "lure" scene from the movie 'To Catch a Thief" ending up producing fireworks of our own making as Ginny lost all her jewels as well as her "innocence".. We then made our way back home, as the cock crows, receiving a few odd looks from the occasional early morning lorry drivers.

And above all, I still remember feeling pretty bloody cocky as Ginny and I had sauntered our way to the park. And why not, I ask? Cause not only did I get to stroll about with the most captivating ginger-haired lass, sparkling in fancy dress around, But I also had totally scored a hat trick in the jewellery lifting department, collecting two Quid to boot, and that's what life is all about for us boys, winning the game, taint it?

So ends our tale

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