Looks Can Be Deceiving

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One year before the accident~

Anti sat on the counter boredly, twirling a knife in his hands. It was a Monday. Normal people hate Monday's... So the glitch couldn't help but hate them as well.

There was nobody in the house. Jack had left a while ago and the other egos were seemingly missing as well. Anti sighed, turning on the stove and setting the blade of his knife over the small flame, watching it heat up.

A small knock came on the wall by the doorway. But Anti didn't even look up from where he was entranced by the fire. Instead, he muttered a small "Hey."

Dark stepped into the kitchen, looking around the room. He cracked his neck and placed his hands behind his back, "Anti. How have you been?"

Anti shrugged, just watching the knife heat up more, the metal beggining to turn a red colour, "It's a Monday. Take a wild guess, Dark."

"So not well, I take it?"

Anti sighed, grabbing the knife before it caught fire, "Dark... I'm not in the mood to talk"

"I know. That's why I'm here."

Anti glanced up, studying him suspiciously before speaking again. "Did Jack put you up to this?"

"Like I take orders from that pitiful Irishman."

"What about Mark? You two have a history together."

"Just because we've known each other a while does not mean I'm automatically his servant."

"You know what I meant."

"Yes, I did. That's why I'm humoring you."

Anti growled low, throwing the knife at Dark's head. Dark easily stepped to the side, letting the wall get hit by the scalding hot knife. Anti frowned more, "You're so annoying, Darkiplier."

"Yes, and that's how I know you love me, Antisepticeye."

Anti blushed faintly, but instantly replaced the look with a scowl, "As if I would ever love a stupid demon like you."

"Whatever. You want to know who really put me up to this?"

Anti sighed, figuring he wouldn't come without somebody pleading with him to. Dark continues anyway, "I did."

Anti blinked, not expecting those words, "What?"

"I came for you. I wanted to check on you, Anti. See how you were doing."

The glitch growled and crossed his arms, "Well, ye shouldn't have come at all. I'm fine. I would appreciate being left alone."

Dark sighed deeply, "Anti, you-"

"GET OUT DARK!" Anti shuddered some, not expecting himself to say it like that.

Dark nodded slightly, "If that's what you want, I will go."

Anti immediately tried to protest, to explain how he hadn't meant to say that, how he truly did enjoy the company Dark gave on this drab day. But, his words were left inside his mouth as Dark dissapeared in a burst of black smoke.

Anti didn't know he was crying until his vision got blurry and hid breathing became shallow. He immediately hopped off the counter and walked into the living room. He laid down on the couch to die... Or rather, to just pass out.

~Time Skip~

The front door was suddenly swung open, a loud Irishman yelling out Anti's name, who didn't even stir on the couch. Jack shrugged, walking into the living room, surprised to see the glitch sleeping slightly peacefully.

Jack went to the kitchen, quickly turning off the stove, and began to unpack groceries he had bought from the store.

~Time Skip~

Anti woke up, sniffing something.... Something really, really good. The glitch sat up, combing his hair with his fingers and walking to the kitchen. As he peeked in, he noticed Jack first, who was humming a sweet tune.

Jack stopped humming, looking back at him and smiling some. Noticing the tears stained of the glitch's face, deciding not to ask what had happened, "Hey, Anti. I was just going to wake you up, actually. Dinner's almost ready."

Anti nodded slightly, looking over Jack's shoulder to see. Jack laughed some, "Don't get your hopes up, Anti. It's just Mac 'n Cheese."

Anti watched for a moment before backing away, going back to his couch and staring blankly at the turned-off TV.

Jack finally finished making their meal, pouring a bowl for himself and a bowl for Anti. He turned off the stovetop and left the extra they weren't going to eat in the pan.

Jack went to the couch, seeing Anti's far-off look. He sighed, putting one bowl on the small table beside the couch, "I'll be recording upstairs, Anti. If you need anything, just say, alright?"

Anti didn't answer, so Jack began to walk away. The glitch spoke up just as Jack had made it to the stairwell, "Jack?"

Jack stopped, glancing back, "Yeah, Anti?"

"Am... Am I... Nevermind..." Anti wasn't able to get the words out, tears brimming in his eyes as he stuttered for a way to express his question. 

As Jack walked over to the couch, Anti scooched over to make room. The Irishman spoke as he sat down, "Anti... You can tell me."

Anti nodded some, taking a deep breath to calm the different emotions flooding his head, "Jack... Am I a monster?"

Jack was taken back by his question, before shaking his head, "Of course not, Anti. You're my friend."

"But... Jack... I hurt people... I hurt you... I hurt everybody else..." Anti looked away, feeling tears beggining to drip from his eyes.

Jack shook his head, "Anti, you haven't really hurt us in a few months! You should be proud of that. Besides, everybody has issues."

Anti noded some, looking back to the blank TV. Jack grabbed the remote, turning it on to see "The Office" was playing.

Anti blinked with confusion, "I thought you had to record?"

"I'll do it tomorrow. Right now, I want you to feel okay." Jack said, beggining to eat and watch, laughing at a few parts.

Anti smiled some, but hid the look, grabbing his bowl of food. They ate quietly and watched the show until the next thing Anti knew was the food was gone, the TV was off, and Jack was draping a blanket over his curled-up body.

"Sleep, Anti. You need the rest. I'll be upstairs if you need anything." Jack smiled softly, gently patting Anti's shoulder as he left the room.

Anti closed his eyes, falling into a deep sleep a few moments later.

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