Keeping Secrets

463 19 16

Anti was awake before Schneep, which was a first. The glitch checked the time; 3:16am.

He sighed, standing up and going into the kitchen, grabbing some cereal from a cupboard and pouring it into a bowl. He didn't even care there wasn't milk in it as he grabbed a spoon, walking into the dining room and eating.

There were quiet footsteps on the stairs; the sound of Schneep coming down the stairs. Moving to the kitchen, he poured his own bowl of cereal and milk. He walked into the dining room, looking almost surprised at seeing Anti awake, but shook it off as he sat down.

"Schneep... You should take a day off..." Anti sighed, seeing the tired look on his brother's face. Schneep looked up sleepily blinking, "Vhy? I'm fine, Anti..."

"You passed out in your car last night."

Schneep sighed, choosing to ignore the glitch, who frowned, "Please, Schneep... You're always gone. You need a break."

"Next month..." Schneep mumbled, taking another spoonful of cereal.

"You said that last month! When the others were going on their trip, you were busy with work. Again."

"Zhat is because I have important vork to do, Anti. Zhis vas necessary."


Schneep slammed his fist onto the table, "I SAID I VAS FINE!"

Anti flinched back, his glitches starting to try and get him far away from zhe good doctah. Schneep saw what he'd done, immediately dropping his spoon and standing, backing up some.

"Anti... I... I... I'm sorry meine friend..." The doctor just stared at the ground. He'd never actually scared him before... He always thought that was Anti's job... Anti shrugged, allowing himself to shift back towards the table, "It's alright. But you should still rest some."

Schneep nodded, biting his lip as he left the room to go back to his own, mumbling to himself, "I'll just tell zhem I'm sick..."

Anti watched him leave, glitching and grabbing the two bowls, which both were full. But he didn't care as he dumped the remains into the trashcan and put the bowls in the sink.

Anti glitched back to his room, not bothering to lock his door as usual. He knew Schneep wouldn't walk in on him anyways. Instead, he pulled out a small picture from his nightstand.

The picture was of his last love, a clean-shaven demon with freckles, bright blue eyes, and dark autumn hair. Anti didn't dare speak his name. It was too painful.

The picture showed Anti in his arms, wearing a dark green suit and holding a rose between his teeth. The man was also wearing a suit, but his was a dark red.

Both were smiling and blushing at the camera. Anti sighed... This was right before their wedding...

Anti shook his head, "No... He's gone. He doesn't love you anymore."

Anti crumpled the photo, throwing it in the trash. Anti wiped a tear from his eye, walking back to the bed. He could use some rest before Dark came to pick him up.

~Time Skip~

Shadows covered the living room, and a man in a suit appeared. He adjusted himself, waving his arm, and the shadows vanished.

Dark walked into the living room, looking around for Anti. He moved into the dining room, and then the kitchen.

"Must be sulking in his room..." Dark mumbled to himself.

Dark silently went upstairs, noticing Schneep's door slightly open. Dark knocked quietly on the door, and a faint hum came from inside, telling him to enter.

Dark pushed open the door, not surprised to see the room was an absolute mess. Schneep was laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Dark moved ever so slightly closer, "Henrik, you're supposed to be at work, are you not?"

Schneep shrugged, "Anti told me to stay home. Zhen I yelled at him. I scared him..."

"Anti doesn't get scared..." Dark frowned, trying not to glare at the doctor. It wasn't entirely his fault anyways. Schneep glanced over, "Maybe you should check on him."

Dark nodded, slipping out of the room and gently closing the door. Dark moved to Anti's room, softly opening the door.

Anti was sleeping, but Dark could tell he'd been crying. The glitch had puffy red eyes and clear marks stained his face. Suddenly, however, Dark noticed a small piece of paper in the trashcan. Instantly, he pulled it out and straightened it for a better look.

It was Anti with another demon on what looked like their... wedding... Anti stirred, and Dark quickly stuffed the picture into his suit pocket as the glitch woke up.

Anti noticed a man in a suit standing next to him, cringing before he realized it was just Dark, "Stop doing that, Dark-"

Dark gave him a sad smile, "Of course. Let's go out. I'm taking you to the most magical place on Earth."

"Please, god, no..." Anti groaned as he got out of bed fully dressed, for he hadn't bothered enough to change the night before. Dark smirked, grabbing his arm gently, "You'll love it."

Anti scowled, "Whatever. Let's just go."

Dark's smirk grew as they both vanished in a swirl of both glitches and shadows.

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