The Sickness

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Anti softly groaned as his eyes met the ceiling of the living room. His face felt hot, but his body was icy with a sort of numbing feeling. Scanning the room, his eyes caught glimpse of the shadows beside the couch the glitch was currently resting himself upon. He smiled in relief, glad to see Dark's sleeping form, the demon's aura having died down into his grey tinted skin as he dreamt peacefully.

Anti moved to sit up, but instantly seethed at the ache he felt in his chest. The events of the day before came flooding back into his mind and he quietly whimpered at the feeling of being stabbed all over again. Not the first time, of course, but somehow the most painful one. Glitching off the couch, he stumbled to the bathroom, one hand tracing the walls as the other clutched his chest.

As he managed to enter the bathroom, his hand fumbled for the light switch and the room was illuminated. Silently shutting and locking the door, he turned to the mirror, studying his tired and sickly features before carefully pulling off his shirt. He couldn't help but look away as he moved his hand over the bandages, carefully undoing them. He knew Henrik wouldn't be happy, but he needed to see it. See how Saleos had marked him.

(TW: Emetophobia. Ends at time skip)

Taking a deep breath as the bloodied bandages dropped, he finally looked into the mirror. Henrik's stitches were coming undone, blood steadily dripping down his body and onto the tile floor. He leaned against the wall, suddenly feeling exceptionally dizzy. He sunk to the ground, coughing  violently. Placing a hand over his mouth, he felt a sudden pain in his stomach- like he was about to throw up. Reaching up with his free hand, his clammy fingers grabbed the counter and he managed to hoist himself up before throwing up in the sink.

Staring at his blood-stained vomit, he quickly turned on the sink and watched it all wash away down the drain. Falling back onto the floor, he listened to the sound of the running water and found himself slowly drifting off.

~Time Skip~

Dark wasn't too surprised to discover Anti missing from the couch when he woke up. The glitch never had the tendency to stay still for any particular amount of time. Getting to his feet and walking towards the hall, he instantly halted upon hearing the sound of gushing water. Teleporting into the bathroom, he instantly growled as he felt himself stepping on the wet floor. The sink was overflowing and in the middle of the bathroom floor, Anti was sleeping silently with his chest exposed.

Dark frowned, turning off the faucet with the flick of his wrist and kneeling down beside Anti. The glitch shivered as the shadow demon's hand brushed over his forehead, feeling the cold yet sweat covered skin. Scooping the glitch up into his arms, Dark stood. Water and blood dripped from the smaller demon's body, and Dark's aura swirled a purple color as he unlocked the door and walked through the hall. Climbing the stairs, he hesitantly wondered if he should bring Anti to Dr. Schneeplestien.

However, he didn't want to bother the doctor any more than he already had. Instead, he moved Anti to his room, gently laying him down on the bed. He walked out of the room, going to the closest hall closet where there were all sorts of junk from the Septics' House. Dark found some towels, along with a stitches kit and bandages. Moving back into the room, dark set everything onto the floor and knelt down beside Anti, beginning to gently wipe away the blood with the towel. Anti stirred after a moment and whispered groggily, "S-s-sal...?"

"It's just me, Anti." Dark reassured as he put gentle pressure onto he chest wound, trying to soak up all the blood. Anti murmured something too soft for Dark to hear before he seemingly drifted off once again. Dark hummed softly as he grabbed the stitching kit. He didn't want to redo all of Henrik's work- mostly since he didn't know how. But he'd been near Dr. Iplier enough to know how to do some basic stitching. So carefully, he pulled out the needle and inserted it into Anti's pale skin.

Carefully, he began to loop the stitches around the wound, before he tied both strings- Henrik and his own- together at the end, hoping that doubling it might stop the blood flow a bit more. Wiping off the excess with a towel, he pulled out the bandages, right as he was about to bandage Anti, however, he noticed something stuck in the stitching. Dark frowned, reaching his hand over and plucking it out. Dark blinked at the bean-sized object in his hand.

It was a seed.


I'm back! Or... one chapter back lol. I took quite a while off for myself and I think I might finally be able to get back on track with this story. I hope this chapter was worth the wait!

(Also my writing style changed drastically so I hope you guys can enjoy the story still anyways!)

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