Chapter 3)

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I spotted Jade at the bar getting some drinks, Kris? I had no clue where she was. As I was walking over to Jade I could feel someone watching me. Scanning the second floor first my eyes landed on the guy I brought in with me. He was just standing there smirking at me. I winked at him and walked up to Jade. "Dude have you seen Kris?" I asked her. She nodded towards the VIP section. Sure enough Kris was there sucking face with Josh. That wasn't what bothered me though, sitting across from them was Jared. Dammit! I thought to myself. I turned back to Jade, grabbed a shot and threw it back. "Ok then. What's bothering you this time?" Jade asked. "Jared. I was finishing up that '69 Cuda at the garage today and when he gave me my last paycheck he said and I quote, "I'll miss you more than anyone else."" Jade being Jade just shrugged, "Well that's what you get for opening up so easily for him, more than once." "Dude that's not even how it happened. In my defense we were drunk, we fucked and I ditched,...all 3 times." I said. Jade raised her eyebrow, "Like I said JJ, easily." I grabbed another shot, "Yeah lets just go have fun." I said lightly pushing her to the VIP section.

It was midnight an time to make the announcement. I walked up to the DJ and he gave me a mic and cut the music. "Dudes!, I have some good news and some bad news. Bad news is, Me, Kris and Jade are moving to California. Good news, I just opened up my 6th club down there which means, next round is on me!" I hollered into the mic. Cheers were heard all across the club. Music was being blasted right after I put the mic down. Going back to our section , Jared pulled me aside. "Hey can I talk to you?" He asked me. I nodded and lead him to the office in the back, my old office....aww sad moment here. "What's up Jared?" I asked with my back to him. When he didn't answer I turned around and felt his lips on mine. I pushed him away. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Don't go." What? I was shocked he'd ask me that. "Why wouldn't I go? I have a club down there that is having its first opening , I need to be there." "You don't have to stay JJ. You don't have to permanently move down there. Stay here, with me. Please?" Jared was literally pouring his heart out to me, but I don't care. I pushed past him to the door. "I'm going to Cali Jared. You are telling me to stay here because what? You love me?" He nodded. "Well don't. I'll only break your heart. I'm doing it right now. I'm breaking your heart by telling you no. I won't stay here with or for you. You were just an easy lay for me." I turned and walked out.

It was getting close to 3 in the morning and I was dancing with some guy when Jade came up to me. "Hey Kris is wasted and is going back with Josh. Said she'd be home before noon though and I'm gonna head out." I stopped dancing and gave her my keys. "Take her back for me and for the love of God please don't wreck her." I said talking about my '80 Mustang. She rolled her eyes but grabbed the keys. I turned around to continue dancing, but the guy was gone. In his place stood the guy I brought in with me, smirking at me. "Do you normally just smirk at the girls you wanna fuck, hoping they'll drag you back to their place?" I asked. "Depends, is it working?" He answered. "Damn right it is." I said with a smirk of my own. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. "So, do you wanna get out of here? He asked while leaving a trail of kisses along my jaw down to my neck. I nodded and I could feel him smile into the kisses. " but we're going to your place." I added. "Fine with me." He said and pulled me to the door. I grabbed my clutch from one the bartenders Robbie and followed him to his car.

"You never told me your name." I pointed out on the way to his place. "You never told me yours and you never asked." He shot back. I smiled, "JJ." "Simple I like it. I'm Derek." He said. I decided to tease Derek a bit. I slide to the middle of the seat, so I was right next to him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me close. I started kissing from his jaw to his ear where I whispered, "Derek?" "Hmm" was all I got back. "I think you should drive faster." I said as I placed my hand on his thigh moving it higher and higher. I started kissing and sucking on his next when I could feel the car pick up speed. We finally came to a stop and he pulled me out of the car with him. He practically dragged me up the steps to the door of the complex and to the elevator. Once we were in the elevator I pushed him against the doors and kissed him hard. He pulled me closer by the waist and started moving his hands lower on my body. Ding! The doors opened and we basically fell out. He pulled me to his door and unlocked it. Once inside he pushed me against then door and kissed me roughly. His hands were freely roaming my body. I pulled away for air but that didn't stop Derek, he continued kissing my neck until he found my sweet spot. I couldn't help but moan. We made it to his bedroom and clothes were flying. We were both in our underwear by the time we made it to his room and... You have an imagination, I'm guessing you now what happens next.

I woke up with a wicked hangover. My head was throbbing and the smell wasn't making it better. I could smell cologne. Man cologne? What the hell happened last night? I was thinking to myself. I felt the bed move and I pretended to be asleep. I almost freaked out when I felt someone running their hand along the side of my body. Finally when I thought it stopped, someone started kissing my face and moving my hair out of my face. I moved a little to make it seem like I was up. They stopped. I could hear the shower turn on and a door close. This is it. This is the only time I'm gonna have to get out of here. I thought. I jumped up and got my clothes got dressed and headed out. I was standing outside calling Jade to have her pick me up. "JJ?" "Dude come pick me up. Drive now questions later." I said and hung up. I texted her the address. When she finally pulled up and I got in I just happened to look at the apartment building behind me and there was that guy from last night. We held eye contact until I broke it and looked away.

*Don't know her name* Wesley Stromberg love story ~~ Teacher/StudentWhere stories live. Discover now