Chapter 1

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It's Friday evening and since i didnt go to school,mostly because I don't have to, I went to work. I'm moving next Wednesday so my last day was yesterday. My names JJ, I'm 17 years old and I'm currently known as the world's youngest richest person alive. I'm more rich than Bill Gates. How? Well here's my story.

The day I turned 13 years old, my parents decided I was old enough to stay home alone without a babysitter. They are lawyers and apparently had cases in different countries. I could still vividly recall our conversation.

~Flashback: 4 years ago~

"Morning mommy. Morning daddy." 13 year old me said as I walked into the kitchen for breakfast. "Morning JJ" my dad said as he took a sip of his coffee. "JJ your father and I have some exciting news for you." Usually when I heard "exciting" I was getting a present. I was very excited. "What is it?! Can I have it now?" I asked my mother. She smiled sweetly at me, "Of course honey. Your father and I have to go away for a case and we decided you are old enough to be on your own, so we didn't hire a nanny for you." My smile dropped. "Oh. When will you be back?" I asked her. "I'm not sure, sometimes these cases could take weeks. I'll call you everyday though I promise." I faked a smile at her and ate my breakfast. I was barely half way done when I heard my parents coming down the steps. I met them at the front door and they were both carrying suitcases. "You're leaving today?" I asked. The didn't bother to look up from their phones and answer me. "Mommy?" I called out to her in a whisper. She looked down at me. "JJ you're an adult now, don't cry. We will be back in no time. Here's the number to the safe. You can have friends over, I'm sure Kris' parents are gonna be out of town. I have to go honey. Bye." She called over her shoulder as she walked down the front steps to the cab. That was it no I love you no Happy Birthday. Just a "we will be back soon" and a "I'll call every day" that was 4 years ago. I haven't seen or heard from my parents since. All I get from them is money wired into my bank account every month. Money I used to open 5 of the most successful clubs in the US.

~Flashback Over~

"JJ, you almost done with the Cuda? I just got a call, they need you at Karma." My boss Jared hollered at me from the front desk. I was putting the last screw in on the starter and I was finished. I rolled the creaper out from under the Cuda and started it. "Jared it's done." I hollered back. He came over with a paper in his hand. "Good job, JJ. Here's your last paycheck, we're really gonna miss you around here." He gave me a hug. "Dude its not like I'm not gonna come back. I'll have to check up on the club soon." Jared smiled at me and gave me another hug. "Let me rephrase, I'll miss you more than anyone else." He whispered in my ear. I tensed up at that. He left go of me and looked me in the eyes, I could tell he was dead serious. I gave him a fake smile, grabbed my stuff and headed to my car and headed back to the house to change.

Let me tell you more about myself. My name is JJ Lexington. I'm 17 years old and I basically raised myself. My parents left me when I was 13 for a case they had in Rome, I think. They said they would call everyday and they would be back soon, they never showed up. I haven't heard or seen them for almost 5 years.

My best friend Kris Montgomery lives with me. Her parents are always traveling and don't care what she does, she's like me. We get money thrown at us in place of our parents love. Our only other close friend is Jade Collins. She's not like us but she is. Make sense? Let me explain. Jades parents died when she was 12, after my parents left I saw her in an alley and brought her home with me. She's been here ever since.

We are all 17 years old. My natural hair color is blonde but I dye it blood red. I have my tongue & belly button pierced and I hate my eyes. Most people love them and say it makes me different. I just think it draws that much more attention to me and I hate attention. I have one blue eye and one brown, weird right. I work at a garage. I don't have to considering I own 5, well now 6 of the most successful clubs in the US. I just love working on cars. I love American classic muscle cars the most and I love motorcycles. I sleep around because like guys, girls have needs. I don't date, do relationships or love. Why? No one was around to tell me what love was. No one was there to show me right from wrong. When people date they fall in love, when people fall in love they get hurt. So why date at all? Why set yourself up to get hurt in the first place?

Kris is the complete opposite of me. She has a boyfriend, Josh, Jared's younger brother, and they are going 2 years strong. She is a hopeless romantic with a dirty mind. Her parents are world famous interior designers. She doesn't have a job and she knows how to save her money except when it comes to shopping, she can blow $2,000 in no time no joke. Kris has blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She has her eyebrow & belly button pierced.

Jade is the exact same as me. She sleeps around but with the same guy. She doesn't date, she doesn't believe in love and she loves working on cars. She will work no matter what because she doesn't like how I never make her pay for anything and I took care of her since we were kids. She has her nose and belly button pierced along with her eyebrow. She has dark brown hair and light green eyes.

*Don't know her name* Wesley Stromberg love story ~~ Teacher/StudentWhere stories live. Discover now