Cedric x Reader Request

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This one-shot was requested by the lovely @NikitaCullen, I hope you like it! This request is going to be a mixture of smut and fluff, just as a warning. And now, I am going to shut up, and let us get into the story!


I hate sixth year. And I'll probably continue hating sixth year until I leave Hogwarts. Why would I hate one of the best schools in the bloody United Kingdom?! If someone asked me when I started, I would have said that I love the school and the people that I have met through the school. However, being in one place for close to seven years, I've started to change my opinion on the subject.

The main reason as to why I hate Hogwarts right now is a Slytherin fourth year by the name of Draco Malfoy. Although I am in my sixth year and his taunts shouldn't bother me, I couldn't help it. Malfoy knew just the right way to push my buttons and send me running for the Black Lake. And one day during the Triwizard Tournament, Malfoy was worse than ever before.

I was walking down a hallway toward the Great Hall when I heard laughing and snickering from all sides of the hallway. Great, someone was talking about me again. I entered the Hall and there was silence all around me. As I made my way to the Hufflepuff table, the laughter got louder and louder with each step I took. I got to my seat, sat down, and heard, "Hey, Hogwarts! Y/N over here's all alone like her mum was!"

Damn you to bloody hell and back, Malfoy! I thought to myself as I aggressively poked at my food with my fork like it was his head. Yes, my mother was single, and yes, I did my best to not tell the world about it, but today, Draco mother-fucking Malfoy got to me, and he knew it. I slowly turned to Malfoy, remained sitting, and said, "Yes, I am alone, but that doesn't mean you have to broadcast my familial situation to the entire school whenever you feel like it! I don't broadcast to the world that your father's a possible psychopath who nearly got Dumbledore fired and imprisoned in your second year when things weren't going his way. I don't broadcast to the world that you hate Parkinson. And I certainly don't broadcast to the world that I'M A FUCKING GIT WHO GETS ENJOYMENT OUT OF MAKING OTHERS' LIVES MISERABLE!"

If the Hall was boisterous before, you could drop an entire case of pins to the ground; it was that silent after my outburst. I stood up, grabbed my previously discarded bookbag, and made my way out of the Hall. Cedric Diggory, who was walking in at this point, grabbed my elbow and asked, "What happened? What did Malfoy say this time?"

"Don't bother, Cedric," I said as my voice shook with unshed tears. "He's not worth it. You just have to live through this Tournament and ignore me for the remainder of our time here." Cedric tried to talk to me, probably trying to get me to stay in the Great Hall and eat with him, but I wasn't having any of it. I wrenched my arm away and ran out of the Hall, out of the school, and to the Black Lake. I sat down underneath a tree and proceeded to cry my eyes out into my knees at both what Malfoy had said and my outburst. What the fuck was my life right now?!

Cedric's POV

I had never seen Y/N cry at all, nor had I heard her talk back to anyone when they were bullying her. However, when I stopped outside of the Great Hall and heard what Malfoy was saying to Y/N and her reaction, my blood boiled. I tried to stop her, but she got away from me, and that somehow made me even madder; I wasn't mad at Y/N, but rather, Malfoy. I stomped into the room and made a bee-line for the Slytherin table. Malfoy stood up, snickering proudly, and exclaimed, "Ah, look who it is! The self-proclaimed protector of the Hufflepuff "Princess" to save her! Listen, buddy, you just missed her. And frankly, I don't know what you see in her, Diggory. She's not your type."

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