George Weasley x OC Smut Request

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This lovely request is for the great @RosieWeasley78, I hope you love this! (If this is not your username and you requested this oneshot, please let me know in the land of comments and I'll correct it! :) ). This oneshot will contain smut, so warning if you do not like smut! And I'll also be sprinkling in some fluff in this oneshot as well, so stay tuned for that! Now, I'm gonna shut up, and let's get to the story! :) :D

Rosie's POV

I never thought I'd get to show the love of my life how much I loved them. And yet, during my six the year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I did just that. My name is Rosie, and I'm currently dating one half of the Weasley Twins, specifically George Weasley. This is the story of how I gave George the most special of things that only I could give.

I groaned and stretched when I felt the sunlight wrap around me on the first official day of spring break and I sat up in George's bed at the Weasley house. Molly had insisted I sleep in my boyfriend's room every holiday I spend with them when she heard I was dating George, and I didn't want to incur her wrath, so I agreed. George was also very keen on the idea of us spending the night together, but it didn't help that his house was packed with people; the sexual tension was so thick you could cut it with the Sword of Godric Gryffindor the entire day previously. Sighing, I looked at the rising sun outside and muttered, "Let's hope today is the right day to do this."

"Do you have any specific plans that you want to go a certain way, love?" the voice I loved so much asked me while staring at me from the entrance to his room. I blushed and George said again, "You do know we have the whole house to ourselves today, babe. You and I can do whatever we want."

At hearing about not having other Weasleys running around, my eyebrows danced on my forehead and I asked, "Is that so, Georgie? Well then, whatever shall we do with ourselves now?" George smirked and threw me a black and white one-piece bathing suit. It landed on my head and I asked him, "And you're giving me this bathing suit because why?"

He chuckled at my face when I got the swimsuit off of my eyes and answered, "We're going swimming in the nearby lake. Come on, get into that and meet me downstairs! I have the bags packed and ready to go now." With that, George headed back downstairs and I was alone in his bedroom with the suit in my hands and dirty pictures running amok in my brain; this man was going to be the death of me, that much I knew for a fact when we started dating. What the fuck was going to happen when we got to the beach nearby the house?

When I knew he was fully downstairs, I stared at the bathing suit and slowly got up to go put it on in the bathroom across the hall. The thing was basically almost nonexistent, with two flaps on top for my girls and one triangle flap for my womanhood; the rest was string, and I could not have made that up if I tried. What the actual Merlin's beard was this?! There was no way in hell that I'd be caught dead in this, and George knew that! Fuming in the bathroom, I yelled, "George! What the bloody hell is this bathing suit?!"

George's POV

After I left Rosie alone in my bedroom to get the rest of our beach bags together, I started praying Fred could keep the rest of the family out of the house until I sent the green flare into the sky. You see, I'd missed spending time with Rosie since we got home. She and I were inseparable when we started dating, and don't get me wrong, we still are! But I never get to truly spend time with her sans clothing, if you know what I mean, reader. And now I'm done with my hormonal tangent-not really-let me continue!

As I put our lunches into the bag Mum had prepared yesterday since Fred, Ron, and I were working on everything else, I heard, "George! What the bloody hell is this bathing suit?!" My heart raced at the thought of her in it, and I had to start thinking about Mum to get my little George to not make an appearance; that was futile, but that is besides the point. How was I supposed to answer her when I was the one who gave her the suit in the first place?! And also, what would her answer be if I told her I was the one who gave it to her? It took everything I had to not answer, and Rosie came rushing down while holding the top of the suit up so her girls wouldn't be on full display for the world; that was for my eyeballs only! Glaring at me, my lovely girlfriend hissed, "This thing isn't even a Cornish pixie net! Where did you find this?"

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