Back at Square One

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“There are some feelings time cannot benumb, nor torture shale, or mine would now be cold and dumb.” Lord Byron


“Hey, guess what. I’m planning to come back there either this June or on December. What do you think?”

Lara took a deep breath and re-read the message. Shin’s coming home. Again. What is going to happen? The last time he did come home, all hell broke loose, or so it seemed. What will this homecoming bring?

Well, they are friends again, that is for sure—back to the comfortable chitchats and good-natured teasing—and that is good. At least Lara felt she could relax a bit now. But she wondered if it would still be as easy if they see each other face to face.

“So, kailan nga talaga? June or December?” She asked him. She had to get herself ready after all.

“I don’t know yet. Because I’m thinking if I go for June, you would be busy in school, teaching and stuff. If it would be December, maybe we can have much more time to hang-out together but of course, the time would still be limited because maybe you have plans...”

Lara frowned. “I” would be busy in school... “I” might have other plans. Is he trying to imply that his vacation is meant to involve me that much? She asked herself.

Duh! A voice in her head scolded. How dense can you get?

“Whatever time you choose, it would be the same thing, we’ll make time for you.” She assured him. What is the use of being indifferent now? She has learned her lesson. She and Shin had made their mistakes, but despite that, here’s another chance to prove themselves.

He said he will arrive on June but he wouldn’t say the particular date much to Lara’s annoyance. She can’t stand suspense and she hated not knowing anything.

“Just wait and see,” Shin told her in one of their chat sessions. “I’ll just pop out of a trash can or something and give you the biggest surprise of your life. I would love to see the expression of your face when I do that!”

“Don’t be too sure that you will have that satisfaction mister schmister.”

He came in the middle of June. By this time, Lara had resorted to watching his Facebook account like a hawk; and she benefitted from this when she saw his status: “So hot in Manila!” He had arrived.

“Gotcha boy!” She whispered in smug satisfaction.

“Hey Lara! Shin has arrived and I’m going to meet up with him later!” Paige texted her. “Hmmm, Alex is coming too.”

Lara thought for a while. “Yes I know, I saw his fb status.” She replied tentatively. “Hey Paige, you know that you should be careful with what you say around those two, right?” She added.

“Oh, of course, Lara.” Her friend answered. “I might be the biggest blabbermouth among us five, but I can keep my mouth shut too. I know my limits.”

Lara let out a small laugh. Paige. Knowing her limits. That’s funny. Well, one can only hope that Paige will keep her word. But that can be a problem, knowing how Paige is. She’s a regular weathercock, that girl. Lara could only cross her fingers and pray.

Lara was lounging on her bed later that night when her cell phone beeped, announcing a text message from Paige.

“Had the best afternoon with Daddy Shin and Alex!” The text read. Paige has yet to get over her habit of referring to Shin as daddy. They used to have this joke back in high school that Paige being the baby of the group was the daughter while Alex and Shin were her parents. “It was a lot of fun and the two didn’t fight one bit.”

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