Introductions 3

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Normal P.O.V

Riki watched as dark storm clouds floated overhead and rain started pouring down. The air became electrified and humid. Riki sighed knowing this was the perfect environment for another part of him to come out. He did not go to a safe place to change. He knew this part did not need it. Lightning flashed and Riki was gone before the thunder clapped. Now stood a man wearing a thin hoodie with the hood over his head. Under the hoodie, you could still not see his whole face. He wore a mask that covered the bottom half of his face. (Like Kakashi.) It was purple with gold accents. Under the hoodie was a loose-fitting long sleeve black shirt. He wore a black bracer on each arm. On the bottom of the bracers was a contraption attached to the bracers that you could barely make out under his hoodie and shirt. He had black Anbu pants but the white strap on the leg was colored deep and dark blue. He wore combat boots. Each had a small contraption, not unlike the thing on his wrist. He had smooth straight short dark purple hair that shadowed his deep ocean blue eyes. (Aka stereotypical emo hair cut.) 

"I feel your presence Sasuke. What do you want?" The man asked in a bored tone.

"I want a fight. I have been waiting all day for you to appear just to challenge you." A man said as he jumped down from a building.

"I cannot fight you." The man said as if he had said it a million times already.

"Why not? Are you afraid?" Sasuke smirked.

"Yes. But not for the reason you think." He said.

"Damnit Zero (Inspired slightly by Borderlands.) Fight me!" Sasuke commanded.

"Fuck off." The man said.

"Than I will beat you until you fight back," Sasuke said.

Sasuke rushed the man with a kunai but just before he made contact he was pushed to the ground with a blade to his neck. The blade was coming from the thing on the mans wrist. The contraption on his wrist was a hidden blade that could retract at will. (Assassins creed anyone? He literally has a hidden blade. He has one on each arm. If you arent familiar with the hidden blade look it up.) 

"I can not fight you without a moderater that can stop me." The man said.

"I volunteer," Sai said as he appeared out of nowhere.

"I said one that could stop me." The man said.

Octopus. Formerly known as Naruto Uzumaki. Version: Zero. Casefile sensitive. After mental split.

After mental testing failed his mind was split into eight different personalities. It was such an advanced version of multiple personality disorder that each personality was like a completely different person with different DNA. Each personality has a case file. Be sure to check them. Each personality has its own look and clothing style. They even have different hair lengths and colors plus eye colors. Each is good at something the other is not good at. They all have specialties. They are all incredibly intelligent. They all prefer a different nickname. This particular file is for Zero. The fifth personality. Cold and cynical and full of angst. He is simply emo. He is the third most dangerous but it is not his fault. What puts him below Riki is that even though Zero has the highest kill rate in all of Octopus he does not want to kill. Riki always wants to kill. When in a battle Zero can not physically stop himself from killing his opponent. He will always kill his opponent when not stopped. Even when he does not wish to kill them. He literally can not stop himself no matter how hard he tries. No one has ever walked away from a fight with Zero. The only time he has not killed his opponent was when someone stronger physically stopped him. He has short straight purple hair and deep blue eyes with a tinge of purple in them. He has taken an interest in Sasuke Uchiha. Zero's specialty is Kenjutsu or anything sharp in general. He is also very nimble and agile. He is faster than any other counterpart. His most used and favorite Jutsu is blood scale slash (made it up). He takes assassination Anbu missions. He describes Sakura as a "Bitch" and a "Banshee." He and Sasuke are very much alike. He enjoys Sasuke's company and they rarely disagree. He only gets mad with Sasuke when Sasuke bothers him for a fight. Zero does not wish to risk killing Sasuke. He likes Kakashi but thinks he is very childish. We are unsure of his thoughts on Danzo and his loyalty. Favorite food is Kakigori. Anbu mask is always an octopus but the armor changes between personalities. He wears cloaked Anbu armor with his hidden blades.

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