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"Hello (Y/N)! Nice to see you again!" Mina waved at you at the dance studio. After your graduation at Yuuei you still had contact to your best friend. You two were dancing at the same dancing studio in your free time. The group trained a few hours on a dance and while dancing, you always felt like someone was watching you. Well, after all, you could have a seat at the hall and watch them train but at this time it was more intense.

I should stop thinking stuff like this. I'm not that paranoid.

You gave all you got into your dance routine. After the training ended, Mina and you sat down on the ground while sipping at their water bottles.

You stared at a boy on the audience seats staring back at you. He had green fluffy hair and wore a white buttoned shirt, some black trousers and red sneakers.

Kinda reminds me of Deku. Didn't see him in a long time.

After a few seconds he went upstairs out of the hall. Mina looked at you.

"Is everything okay, (Y/N)?" She asked while you were still looking at the place where the green haired boy sat.

"Yeah Yeah. I just thought I saw someone. In fact I kinda feel a little bit like...i dont know. Like someone's following me. And I feel like somebody's watching me."

You looked worried. But Mina shrugged it off.

"Oh come on, maybe you are way too overworked girl. Just go home, take a nice hot shower and just relax." She winked at you.

You chuckled and took your sports bag. Leading towards the girls' locker room you changed into your normal clothes. Soon after you went outside and a cold breeze brushed over your pale skin. It was already very late and all you wanted to do was falling into your soft bed. You went on your way home. The streets were empty and it was quiet. As you turned into a small street you saw a male figure leaning against the wall of the building with a cigarette in his mouth. All you could see was the ember that glowed bright as he inhaled the smoke. Your belly told you to not go this way. So you turned around and went back to the alley way. As you walked a few steps you heard someone chuckle. You stood still and looked around.


No one answered. You could feel a weird feeling inside your guts and as you started again to walk your pace increased. All of a sudden a hand bolted out of an alley and pulled you in. You tried to scream but your voice was muffled by a hand that was pushed against your mouth.

"Please stay quiet, cutie, we have to leave now." You couldn't see the face of this person but you knew this voice. You wiggled and punched around you to escape the grip. But then another person came towards you.

"Stop moving, you idiot!" This voice was familiar, too. You pushed as the first person pressed you against the wall with a lot of strength to keep you from fighting. The second person came closer to you.

"Stop NOW!" As he screamed the last part at you his hand shot a big explosion towards your face, causing you to black out due to the blast that rammed your head against the cold stone wall. From now on everything was black.



"I'm sorry Shoto, but Kacchan kinda ruined it." Izuku said while he and Bakugou were laying her down on a  bed.

"You're simply a ruffian, Bakugou. Pray that our lovely little friend here is doing well." Todoroki said.

He came closer to her und brushed through her (your hair colour) hair.

VILLAN! DEKU, BAKUGOU & TODOROKI X READER (LEMON)Where stories live. Discover now