Sleepover pt.2

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Ag looked at Mia in surprise but brushed it off, "Yeah i'm hot i know, we both are"

Then Ag looked back at her phone and started scrolling through the foryoupage. Mia turned to Ag again but this time she looked her in the eyes and said "I want you"

"What are you taking about Mia??" Ag said super confused.

Mia looked at her straight in the eyes and said, "I like you and I want you, and I know you're talking to someone but I really like you."

Ag just looked at her confused. Then she looked at Mia and said playfully, "Well...What i I said I like you too."

Mia stared at her, "But you're talking to someone."

"No i'm not, what do you mean??"

"....Your always on your phone...........and you talk about this one girl a lot....aren't you like with her?" 

"No omg" Ag said laughing "That's my Best friend from my old school" she said between laughs.

"oh. But you're still out of my league, I doubt you think of me as more than a friend and I-

"Mia Stop. You're doing it again"

"Doing What??"

"Stop. Putting. Yourself. Down." Ag said almost like a growl.

Mia sighed and decided to just sleep "Forget I said anything. Gn"

"Wait Mia, come on."


"Do you actually like me"

"yesh" it came out muffled, cause her head was in the pillow.

"Mia please face me"

Mia slowly turned and sat up. "Here's the thing, even if I confess you won't be with me because-

Ag stopped her by a kiss. It was first slow and soon became stronger and soon she pinned Mia down. They stopped and Ag softly said "Is this okay?" 

"It's way better than okay" Mia said and kissed Ag again.

Okay so like idk if i should like fast forward over this or like say what they did. Comment down what you want ig 

Thanks For Reading so far :D

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