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No P O V 

Mia and Ag continued to get closer and their relationship grew. They would have "sleepovers" a lot, but they never confirmed if they were in a relationship. Their secret love for each other grew day by day. One day Mia and Ag decided to go visit their friend Mac. They booked heir flights and decided to spend their weekend there. 

"Are you excited to go?" Ag asked Mia while they were waiting for their flight. 

"Duh! I can't wait to see Mac again!!" Ag smiled at her as they heard the speaker thing call their flight number. They boarded the flight and as soon as the flight took off, Ag started watching movies. Mia wanted to take a nap so she slowly dozed off.

Ag's P O V

Mia was so cute asleep. I'm so happy we are friends. I wonder if we could ever be more than that....

I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Mia's head lying there, so i gave her some of my blanket and kissed her forehead. The flight went by super fast and soon we had landed. I grabbed my suitcase and noticed Mia was still half asleep so I took her bag and slung it across my shoulder. She looked at me and smiled. I slid her hand into mine and led the way out of the airport. We took a cab and arrived at Mac's apartment. We knocked on the door and surprised her and after we put our stuff in her room we went to White River State Park and spent our day hanging out.

Soon it became dark so we headed back to Mac's Apartment. On our way there we were blasting music and singing and it was super fun. We arrived at the home and started changing into our sweats to get comfy. After that we were all just chilling on the bed and I decided to teach Mac some TikTok dances. So after recording a couple, I asked Mia if she wanted to make some too. So we all made a couple dancing ones and then Mia and Mac decided to make this:


Sorry i didn't put the actual video i just couldn't find out how :(

{It was basically Mia and Mac choking Ag and then Mia sayin stuff in Ag's ear }

This one was Mia chokin Ag and Mac just sitting there.


We made a bunch more but I never got to choke Mia :( kinda sad cuz i wanted to prove that just cuz she's a switch doesn't mean she can top me. Anyways we kept making TikTok's and it was super fun. Slowly we all fell asleep. 

Mia's P O V

Today was so much fun. Honestly i'm so happy we came over. I genuinely missed Mac and i got to spend the weekend with Ag. 

We were chilling and I felt Ag's head lean onto my shoulder. I looked at her and she was sleeping. She looked so cute and i just wished we could stay like that forever.

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