Making TikToks

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Mia's POV

I shrugged and went back onto my phone and not even 5 minutes later Ag was calling me. 

"Hey Mia c'mon"

"Can I know the sound??"

"You'll know it soon enough"

I sighed and dragged myself off the bed. "Mkay what am I gonna be doing?"

"Just like stand there and basically thats all"

"Uhm okay" I said cautiously. I yawned as I stretched my arms while walking. Hopefully I seem casual I thought panickedly.  Ag set up her phone and then I realized which song it was. 

I can't put the video in sryyy its only letting me put in pictures or youtube url's :(( ]

Ag quickly grabbed my neck and began saying the lyrics into my ear. I inwardly died but obviously didn't make it visible. Not even 5 seconds after the tiktok finished I heard Ag's mom at the doorway. 

"You girls are so cute!!!!!!! Are you guys really not dating?!" she said.

Ag looked at me and I just burst out laughing. She soon joined in and looked up at her mom, "No mom for the hundereth time, me and Mia are just friends."

Her mom sighed and set a plate of cookies on the table. "Well I can't wait for you both to start dating but for now i'll just leave you to alone." She winked at Ag and shut the door, and I burst out laughing again. 


Thanks for reading it really means a lot to me that you guys actually like  my story ;-;  Sorry i posted so late I have just had a lot of writers block. Also please vote and comment. Your comments are so fun to read and keep me wanting to write more. ❤

aLsO, I kinda want to write another story thats not a fanfic but about a girl and like its her a bunch of years later telling her life story sorta. Opinions?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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