|Chapter 3|

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Chapter 3
"Death didn't come knocking at my door. I knocked at his door."-Anonymous

I laid down on my bed trying to get over my hangover. The room was spinning around like a merry-go-round, I could feel my head pounding beats every second. The sun rays were shining through my black curtains. Hmm maybe I need to get blacker ones. What could be blacker than black? I sat up, well tried and groaned the whole time trying to and putting my head into my hands when finally sitting up. I looked at my curtains and saw something silver shinning through. I slowly got out of my purple silk sheets and walked over to my window. I opened the curtains and saw the mooning showing her most extravagant glow.

"What the hell?" I asked myself. First the sun was shinning through, but now it's already night? I felt a little dizzy and closed my eyes for a few seconds, when I reopened them I was in a house. A really big house if I may add. Black and gold were everywhere. The ceiling had a huge mural on top. It looked like a war. Blood and guts were everywhere. People were eating other people and tearing their guts out of their bodies. Horses after horses were being trampled over of. The warriors getting crushed by the horses and getting stabbed by their enemies. There were women getting dragged by men. The women's faces were masked with horror. Thinking about the most terrible things that may or may not happen to them. Their children was across the field stretching their little arms out urning for their mothers touch. You could see the tears dripping down from their little faces. This mural is mixed with emotions of anguish, pain, agony, fear, and maybe a hint of... Victory?

I heard soft foot steps whispering to the floor. I turned around and saw my blue eyed stranger. He wrote in the air, You've been crying? He asked. I looked at the floating letters disappearing. I finally looked at him confused then touched my face when I felt that my face was wet.

"Oh uhh... I was just looking at the mural. " I said pointing at the ceiling were the mural is. Yeah it does that to you. He said coming closer to me. I could feel his investigating eyes searching every inch of my body. Every little hair what I have left (even though I'm wearing a hat) everything covered in skin. Just every little participle that makes up me.

"Where am I?" I asked feeling a little uncomfortable from his stare. Just a place... a special place. I nodded my head slowly not understanding him.

"Are we in Narnia?" No my dear.
"Well of course not. You aren't real. Mr. Tumnus was at least... I think." You should wake up.

"No." Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake-
"Up Reign. C'mon you haven't been taking your daily pills." I groaned getting up hearing the sound of my ma's voice. She was shoving a cup of water and pills into my face. "Here, take these now. You missed two days!" I sat up from my bed and swallowed down the pills. I let a breath of air out when I chugged down the water also. I looked down at my self and noticed I was wearing the same thing from yesterday. I groaned again then looked up at my ma.

"I'm going to take a shower."

"You should, you smell like cheap liquor." She retorted.

"The cheaper the liquor the fastest hitter." I said back to her. My ma used to say that the cheaper the liquor is the easier you get drunk. I don't know about that, but I guess it's true since I was yesterday. When I got into the bathroom I looked in the mirror and saw how my hair looked like. I look like that lady from candy man. The patches of hair I have left look ridiculous. My ma is right I should just shave it all off... nah I'm going to hold onto it until I have one more hair left. I turned the water on and stripped out of my clothes. I waited until the steam was coming out of the shower then I got in. I sat under the shower head soaking up my whole body. I relaxed under the water for a few minutes, washed myself off, then got out.
"Hey Reign, I'm going to go to work see you at eight." My ma said. She kissed my forehead then hurried out of the door. I laid out on the sofa and started to surf through the channels. There's nothing barley on here. I stopped clipping through the channels when I saw that sinister was on.
"This will do."

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