|Chapter 4|

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Chapter 4
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep." -Robert Frost

"What would you like to eat?"

"Something edible."

"Stop with the smart ass comments Reign."

"Yes sir." I said stomping my feet and doing a solider pose.

"Have you've been feeling pain?"

"A little. Just below my back." My ma told me to go lay down in bed and she'll bring the food to me. I'm actually glad she told me to go lay down, because on the scale to one through ten how much I'm in pain. It's a hard twenty. I'm not even on my period. I got the heat pad out of my closet and put it under me when I laid down. I grunted in pain, because the scale went up to a hard thirty.

I put a quick smile on my face when my ma came in with a tray of food with bacon, eggs, toast with jelly, and orange juice. I said a quite thank you when she put the food on my night stand. I kept smiling when she walked out my door. Then I quickly got up to go to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I laid against the wall with my back still hurting. I breathed out a big puff of air then got up slowly holding my back thinking that'll help. And slowly got into my bed then started to watch Supernatural.

I'm tired of going through this pain. I'm tired of living. This! What I'm doing right now, what my life is right now isn't living. It's suffering, suffering for no fucking reason. At least my back stopped hurting a little. I just want to sleep right now so I could see my blue eyed stranger. The weird thing is I look forward to see him more than living on this 'wonderful' green planet we call earth. I laid down for a little linger then got up to get dressed.
"I'm heading out." I called out to my mom putting my shoes on by the door then adjusting my head.

"And where would that be?"

"I don't know. You know how much I love to wonder around." I said and made my eyes get bigger when I said wonder. I kissed my moms forehead.

"You better be back before ten!" She yelled when I was heading out of the door.

I can't make any promises. I walked down the New York streets taking in the sweet smell of trash. It doesn't smell like trash here everywhere, but when you have lived here your whole life, you'll get used to it. I sat down on a bench at the park looking at all the tress, people, animals, just looking at everything. The kids that are playing around are living life to the fullest. When I was their age I was hooked up to monitors. I mostly enjoy coming to the park this time of year. The yellow, red/orange leaves are decorating the ground and the sun shining from above us, but it's still chilly. I got up and started to walk down the street for a little while then stopped when I say someone familiar. He looks like...

"Blue eyes?" I called out and it was him... in real life? He turned around to look at me then quickly ran down the alley. I followed after him. I don't know why I did it was just an impulse.

"Wait. Hold on." I said catching my breath when he finally stopped running.

"You-" I tried catching my breath- "are real? " I asked breathless. You should learn not to fall asleep on benches. I quickly shot up and looked around my surroundings. It wasn't sunny anymore. It was dark. I took out my phone to see what time it was,

"Shit." I said when I looked at the time and it was 12:23 am and my mom called seventeen times. Oh no... world war three has started.
When I opened the door to our house world war three had officially started with,
"Where the FUCK have you been Reign?! I told you to come home BEFORE ten. Right now it's damn near one o'clock!"

"I know I'm sorry." I said taking off my shoes and jacket.

"You're sorry?! What were you doing?!"

"I feel asleep on a bench." My ma had the most confused face.

"You feel asleep on a bench? You aren't homeless. For gods sake Reign, did you get mugged? Are you alright sweetie?" Well isn't someone bipolar.

"I'm alright, I didn't get mugged. I still have my phone." My mom quickly hugged me and I hugged her back.

"You need to be safer Reign. You're fragile, sick, I can't let anything bad happen to you."

"I know."

"Okay good. Go take a bath. I'll start making dinner." I nodded my head and started to make my way towards my room.
I was under the shower head letting the water rain down on me. I rubbed my face then looked down at my hands and saw blood. I started to cough hard and more blood started to come out of my mouth.

"Reign! Are you alright in there?!" I coughed even more.

"Yeah-" I coughed."I'm fine." The more I coughed the more blood came out. My lunges felt like they were going to come out of me by how hard I was coughing. Each cough felt like little needles piercing inside of me.

"Reign?" My mom called out and pulled back the shower curtains. I was still coughing when she said, "oh god." she got a towel for my body and for my mouth when I coughed. My head started to feel dizzy, so dizzy that I blacked out before I saw my mom running.

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