|Chapter 5|

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Chapter 5
"The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?"- Edger Allan Poe

I heard someone calling my name. My eyes fluttered open, but my vision was blurry. I rubbed my eyes expecting to see my mom, but instead the blue eyes stranger.

"Oh, it's you. Let me guess... I'm asleep?" He nodded his head at me and pulled up the covers. I just noticed I was in a bed and looked down at the red silk sheets. I felt the material, running it through my hands. Are you okay?

"I am now since I'm with you"- I sighed. " Why can't you be real." I am real Reign. I snorted.

"Yeah... in my head." He looks down at his hands and a black beautiful rose appeared. I gasped dramatically and said,

"No! You shouldn't have." He smiled then I took the rose from him. He kept smiling at me and I brought my hand to his cheek. His skin is so warm and silk soft. I stroked his cheek and when I was about to take my hand away he stopped me.

"Why do you have to be an image of my imagination?" He shook his head. I don't know. "Yeah... me either." I said looking down. I felt him get closer to me and when I looked up he put my hand back to my cheek. It doesn't matter if I'm not real. At least you get to spend this much time with me. With each other... you're beautiful you know that? Even if you don't think so, you are. I laughed.

"Now you must be imagining another person." I'll never imagine someone else instead of you.
"How come I can't hear your voice?" He looked down in deep thought for a few seconds then shrugged. You should go Reign. Reign.

"Reign sweetie? Oh my gosh! You're finally awake!" My mom said hugging me so tight that I thought I'll become cloister-phobic after wards.

"What do you mean finally awake?" I asked trying to sit up, but to no avail it didn't happen.

" You were out for two days Reign." That made my heart stop. Two days?! The longest I've been out was at least twelve hours, but never two days. I heard my mom sniffle, I told her to come here so I could hug her.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too sweetie. Everything will be okay very soon... everything will be okay." She's always saying things will get better. Nothing will ever get better. I'm in a never ending horror story my entire life, nothing will never get better as long as the horror story goes on. How can she think so positive if negative things keep happening to me? Maybe she has a little bit too much hope for me and should just flush all that hope down in a toilet.

"Hello Reign." Doctor Scott said greeting me when he came into the room. "I heard you just woke up"- he checked his note pad."your mom said you were coughing so hard that blood started to come out of your mouth?"-I nodded my head." Does your head hurt?"

I shook my head. "Okay that's good, but you're going to stay here for two days to make sure that won't happen again."

What's up with this two days crap? I was knocked out for two days now I'm staying in this hospital with cold floors so cold it'll make your feet feel like they're burning, itchy blankets that feels like tree bark are racing cars all over my body, and the food that Frankenstein will make screaming IT'S ALIVE!

"I'm not staying here for two extra days."

"Reign you have to. Plus I'm going to be working a double shift tonight. I really don't want you to be alone that long so it's a good thing you're here."

It's never a good thing when I'm not happy here. I'm not happy being anywhere. My happiness has been dead. The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. And nothing is ever balanced when you're in a never ending war between me, myself, and I.

"Just be good Reign, don't start any trouble." Aren't I always good? I mean I can't do shit even if I do and get sent to jail I'm going to die in jail so what's the point of doing something irrational? I rather die in bed dreaming about my blue eyed stranger in my moms arms. My mom kisses my forehead and gave me a warning look before leaving the room.

"So Reign. What would you like to eat today?"

"Not your nasty ass hospital food." He chuckled.

"Yeah it is pretty nasty. You want me to order you pizza? The usual?" My eyes lit up.

" Yes please, the usual." I haven't noticed how hungry I was until doctor Scott mentioned food. I'm hungry as hell.


The lights went out in my room in the hospital at twelve o'clock. That's when the night shifts start, but right now it's almost three o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep. Am I sleep deprived? Is that even a real thing? I've been in the same position (the fetal position) for two hours now. I turned around to face the window too look out the autumn night and screamed to the top of my lungs when I saw someone staring right back at me. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran out the room screaming,

"DOCTOR SCOTT!" He rushed out of his office looking worried and I ran to him going behind him.

" What. What happened Reign?" He asked trying to make me face him.

"S-someone is in my room. I saw it." I breathed out loud and he smiled down at me.

"You were probably dreaming. Go back to bed." He said pulling my arm, but I quickly snatched it away.

"I wasn't fucking dreaming. I saw someone staring right at me"- I said pointing to myself-"from outside the window." I turned my back from him then started to walk away. I stopped then said, "if I was dreaming I would of saw my blue eyes."

I started to walk again not wanting to hear a word coming out of his fucking mouth. I wasn't dreaming. I know I wasn't. It felt too damn real to be a dream. I didn't even get to get a good look at the person. I don't know if it was a he nor she. It was probably a tree shaped like a human and my imagination got in the way. Whatever the hell it was, it, she, he scared the hell out of me.

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