|Chapter 8|

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Chapter 8
"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."- Helen Keller

Three days since I haven't seen my blue eyes and three days since that shadow hasn't tried to "talk" to me. What's happening to me? I mean really, is this some cheap horror flick when the black person always dies and the whore survives? Then goes back to giving blow jobs? I mean seriously. This hasn't happened before, so why in the hell is it happening now? Maybe it's happening, because I'm close to dying or somebody, something put a hex on me while I was sleeping on the bench a few days ago. That's unrealistic...

"Reign?" My mom called out knocking on my door then opening it. Why do parents do that? I didn't even answer her yet.

"Yes?" I said sitting up from my bed, fixing my hat on my head.

"How are you feeling?" She asked coming into my room. Yes you may come in mom.

"Fine." My ma got closer to me then started to examine every inch of my body.

"You need to put some lotion on hun. It's almost winter." She says feeling on my flaky skin.

"I can't... when I do it burns." I said looking down at my skin as well. She sighed.

"Get dress. We're going to go to the store to get you a "special" kind of lotion." I nodded my head then got out of my bed.


"What about this one? It helps with extremely dry skin and has vitamin D and C." She said looking at the one hundredth one today at the drug store. I swear she reminds me of Freddie Benson's mom on ICarly. I took the lotion bottle from her hand and read at the bottom of the bottle.

"Really good for people with eczema and FDA approved." I put the lotion back on the shelf then said, "I don't have eczema."

"It looks like you do." My mom said taking the lotion back off the shelf and going to the check out section. I was looking at the other products and stopped in my tracks when I saw the solid black shadow. I stared at it for I don't know how long. It started to walk towards me and I ran away coming up to my mom and I bumped into her.

"What the hell Reign?" She semi yelled at me. I looked left then right, then side to side and it was gone. The figure was gone. "What happened?"

"N-nothing." I said letting go of her arm then adjusting my hat. "I'm okay." My mom looked at me up and down then said,

We were now in the car in complete silence. Sometimes I love the silence sometimes I don't. I don't like it silent between my ma and I most of the time, because I'm close to being six feet under the ground.

"Mom." I said looking away from the window.

"Yes?" She said looking away from the road for a second then back at it.

"I love you." She giggled then said,

"I love you too."

"Good... I just wanted you to know that."

"Ha uhh... okay? Are you okay Reign?" She asked smiling at me then kinda having a worried look on her face.

"I just wanted to tell you. What? A daughter can't tell their mother that she loves her?"

"Of course she can Reign." She said smiling at me then focusing her attention back on the road. I looked back at the window and thought about the solid shadow at the drug store. Why was it there in the first place? Does it need cream for a rash? Oh, I have an idea, it's the grim reaper. Why haven't I thought of this before?!

I'm such a dumb ass. Maybe it's coming here to take me away, I mean that is their soul purpose right? To take the living away when their time on earth is expired? Probably that's why it wanted to talk to me all this time. Whatever happens, happens. If the reaper comes now and take me... I'll go willingly.

We got home and I took my "special" lotion and put it in my bathroom. I stripped my clothes off when I took off my hat I saw hair... well more hair then usual.

"What the hell?" I asked myself feeling my hair. Thank god I have good hair so it's curly and soft and not brittle feeling. I stared at myself in the mirror looking at my hair even more. How in the hell is it growing back?! I felt it more admiring my hair. I didn't realize how much I missed it. I didn't even realize the tear drops were rolling down my cheeks.

"Oh my gosh... how is this possible?" I started to sob feeling on my hair. It's been so long. So long since I haven't had my hair. I calmed myself down a little bit and started the shower, waiting for the steam to come out then stepped in.

I quickly washed myself so I could tell me ma the good news. I put my shorts on and T-shirt. I started to dry my hair off and looked down at the towel and saw my hair on it... I started to panic and felt on my head and my hair was falling out!

"No God please no!" I screamed feeling on my almost bald head. "AHHHHHHHH"
I woke up feeling the water pound on me. Oh my- I quickly got out of the shower soaking wet looking at the mirror making sure my hair is still there. When I saw that it was I calmed down my breathing and turned off the shower and dried myself off, putting on my pajama pants and T-shirt. I dried my hair, kept checking the towel making sure it wasn't falling out... and it wasn't. I walked out of the bathroom to go to my mom's room. When I was about to knock on the door I heard her talking on the phone.

"No... she's fine we just went to the store... yeah she said she was okay when I asked her... yeah... yeah I know that..." There was a long pause. "Well that's good to know. The sooner the better... okay...bye." My mom opened the door and I quickly backed away smiling at her. She arched her eyebrow at me, looking at me suspiciously.

"You notice anything different?" I asked excitingly extending my arms when I said different.

"What? No- OH MY GOSH!!! YOUR HAIR GREW BACK!!!!" My ma screamed excitingly, hugging me tightly. I laughed saying,

"I know I know."

"But- but how?" She asked feeling on my new set of hair.

"I have no idea."

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