|Chapter 9|

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Chapter 9
"There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast".-Charles Dickens

I tossed and turned all night not being able to sleep. I finally gave up sleep and looked at the clock beside my bed. It's 3:45 am. I groaned trying to get the remote that somehow ended up on the floor. When I retrieved it, I sat up and stopped in my tracks. The shadow was at the end of my bed... I swallowed a big lump in my throat. I looked at the door then back at it. I threw my remote at it trying to distract it and I ran to the door. The door wouldn't fucking open.

"MOM!" Bang. "MOM WAKE UP!" I banged again. I kept banging the door and nothing would happen, not even a dent on the door.

"MOMMY!" This time I started to cry.


"Reign." I sucked in as much air as I can and stayed frozen. I didn't want to turn around. I didn't want to even look at it. "Turn around Reign." It said kinda teasingly.

"Are- are you the reaper?" I asked slowly turning around. It slowly shook it's head.

"Then what do you want?!" I yelled with more confidence. It started to walk closer to me and I backed up against my door. "Please just leave." I begged turning my face away when it came closer.

"Don't be afraid. I'll never hurt you. I can't." It reached it's hand out to me and touched my cheek. I stared at it.

"Who... are you?" It backed away standing in front of my window.

"You'll know soon." Then it was gone. Again. I slid down against my door and started to cry. Why am I crying so fucking much now?! It hasn't even been twenty four hours yet. I stayed glued to the floor for a few more minutes and got up to turn on my lights and got into my bed. Hey there sleepy head. I fluttered my eyes open seeing him right in front of me.

"Blue eyes?" He nodded his head. "I missed you." I missed you too. "So much crazy things has been happening to me." I said pulling the blanket up to my neck. Like what? "Like a solid shadow following me." That's odd. He said with no expression on his face. "Yeah... it is." I got closer to him and kissed his soft lips. "If only you were real." If only.

I woke up with the sun shinning on my face. I looked at the side of my bed and saw it was 4:25 pm.

"What the hell... how long I've been out?"

"Long enough."

"AHH!" I screamed bringing the covers up to cover up my whole body.

"Really Reign? What are covers going to protect you from?" My mom said removing the covers from the bed.

" You scared the shi-"


"Crap out of me." I said putting my hand against my chest.

"Why are the lights on?" She asked with her hand on her hips and her foot taping the floor.

"Because of the electricity running through the currents and when you flip up the switch the lights turn on?" My ma arched her eyebrow at me.

"Stop being a smart ass. What did I tell you about leaving the lights on all night?! We might have money, but damn!"

"Okay okay I'm sorry." I said getting out of the bed and getting my covers from the floor.

"You better be. Take your pill sweetie. I'm heading to work. I love you bye." Bi polar much.

"I love you too ma. Bye. " I made my bed and then took my pill thinking... what the hell am I going to do all day?
Instead of getting laid (just kidding) I stayed home having a huge headache. I called my mom and she told me to drink tea. Tea isn't the solution to everything. You scratched yourself? Oh just drink some tea. I tried sleeping it off, but it wouldn't work. The headache was that bad. It felt like a woodpecker pecking the insides of my brain and then flapping its wings at the exact same time.

In other words, my fucking head hurts like shit, I just want to die. I thought walking around would help so I started to walk around my house playing smooth music. Wale sounds to be exact. I looked out the living room window and saw the kids playing around in their front yards.

"If only my childhood was like that." I said out loud. I turned off the music and decided to head out. To ENJOY the "fresh" air in New York City. The city of dreams (not). I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth then wash my face, when I looked at the mirror my hair almost passed my ears in beautiful dark brown curls.

"What the..." I said feeling through my hair. How is it growning so fast? I mean, I'm not complaining, but I haven't had this much hair in almost three years... how is it growing back so fast? I put on my black skinny jeans with zippers on the sides and my black combat boots with my of mice and men sweater, then I put on my dark purple beanie, grabbing my coat heading out of the door.

I walked along the side walk looking at the little boutique stores. I dragged my hands across the brick walls, I probably shouldn't do that since people are disgusting now-a-days. I looked up at the sky admiring the gorgeous blue of it. I guess I was looking at the sky for too long, because I bumped into somebody knocking us both over.

"Ah shit." I said trying to adjust my hat while on the floor.

"Oh my- are you okay?" I looked up to the guy. He had the most greenish eyes. Almost apple looking.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said trying to get up by myself.

"Let me help you." He took my hand in his to help me. "I'm sorry about that, I guess I wasn't paying attention." The guy said scratching the back of his head.

"It's fine." His skin was a nice brown color and he had gorgeous curly hair. Very tall and slim builded. He probably has a nice- why in the hell am I checking him out in the first place?

"Are you sure? I mean-"

"It's okay. Really. I wasn't paying attention either." I said not trying to make eye contact with him. "Well thanks for helping me up." I tried walking away from him, but he pulled my arm back.

"Wait I... at least let me get you something to drink or to eat."

"Do I look thirsty?" I didn't mean to sound like a bitch, but I wasn't interested. He seems like a nice guy, but I don't want to make friends if I'm going to die soon. It makes no since.

" No I didn't mean it like that. Just have lunch with me." It sounded more like a command than a suggestion. What the hell? I should, at least I'm going to get free food.


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