|Chapter 13|

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Chapter 13
"Flowers grow out of dark moments."-Corita Kent

"So, are you going to tell me what happened to your hand?" My mom asked taking her fourth bite of the burger she was eating. We left the house to go to this burger joint not to far from we live so we walked in a peaceful silence enjoying the weather and waiting the right time to go home, because Doctor Scott will be needing to see me.

"Oh you know, I got mad. Blah blah blah." I said finishing my burger then putting a fry into my mouth.

"In other words, you aren't going to tell me?" She asked with a blank face.

"Nope." I said popping the P, then smiling at her. She chuckled by saying,

"Okay Reign." I chuckled along with her then stopped when I saw someone staring at me. He looks like blue eyes... when I blinked he was gone. What the hell. "Reign? Reeeeeeign." My mom said waving her hand in my face.


"It looked like you've just seen a ghost"- I think I just did-"are you alright?"-obviously not since I looked like I have seen a ghost-" well finish your food." My mom said taking a sip of her drink.

"You've been going to work a lot lately." I said casually. And she has! Night and day, everyday.

"Yeah I know... somehow we're short on staff." My mom said scratching her head.

"You know, you never told me where you worked at. I know they must pay you a hell-"

"Watch it!"

"A heck of a lot of money since the house we live in. Are you a secret agent? Do you kill people for money?"


"I'm just asking." I said putting my hands up in surrender. Even though the job has been making her work more lately, she doesn't look stressed at all. She looks young still. People would think she's my sister, because of how young she looks. I don't understand, she never got cosmetic surgery, non of that, but she looks like she's twenty-eight. I guess the saying black don't crack really is true. Dispite that, I really want to know where she works at. All the time I ask her she turns me down. Why can't she tell her own daughter, flesh and blood where she works at? Nobody's getting hurt. It isn't hard to say so why not say it?

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah." I said taking one last fry and putting it into mouth.
"So how are you feeling Reign?" Here we go with the same damn question. I don't think Doctor Scott has a bigger vocabulary on asking people how are they feeling. I'll feel much better if he gets that cold metal off of my chest.

"Fine." I said rolling my eyes and looking out of the living room window. I sighed dramatically looking back at him. "Are we done yet?" I asked.

"Almost done. I have to ask, what triggered you to have the incident you had?" Shouldn't he know? He's the doctor.

"I don't know." I responded shrugging my shoulders.

"Hmm... okay. You could put your shirt back on now." He couldn't ask me on a date first.

"Your mom told me how your hair grew rapidly."

"She did, didn't she now. Yeah, it did." I said feeling on my soft curly locks then decided to put it into a high bun. I played with the bandage on my hand and decided to take it off. When I did the front of my hand was a greenish purple and looked looked a little swollen. Doctor Scott came to my side and examined my hand. He took out a small knife.

"Woah woah." I said trying to step away. "What are you going to do with that knife?"

"Reign... calm down it'll be alright."

"No it wou- ahhh. Holy shit." I said looking down at my bleeding hand. He quickly got tissue to clean up the blood dripping from my hand. Then he carefully whipped the blood off of my hand putting a bandage around it. "Why did you cut me?" I asked when he finished wrapping my hand up.

"Your hand needed... air it was suffocating in some way." I nodded my head slowly watching him throw away the bloody tissues.

"Thank you." I said coming up from behind him. He turned around then I gave him a quick hug. "Thank you Doctor Scott."

"You're very welcomed." He smiled at me.

"Now, are you going to tell me how you injured your hand?" Why do people want to know?

"No, not really." I said tilting my head then making my way to the kitchen.

"Mmmhmmm." I looked at his light brown eyes and brown skin. He is attractive now that I think about, but he's like I guess a father to me? Being with me thick and thin. And my mom and him always give each other the look...

"So... my mom-"

"Not again Reign." The last time I brought her up around him was when I was sixteen in my death bed. I have been trying to hook them up, because my moms single, he's single. Doctor Scoot is Brazilian, my mom always fantasies about them. It's a match made in heaven.

"C'mon one date. I'm getting better"-I'm such a bad lier-" and you two should get out of my hair"- that's the truth-" and go on a date!" He smiled shaking his head.

"I'll think about it." He picked up his man purse and was walking out of the door.


"Take my thought into consideration!" Then he closed the door shut.

I was running in the woods following the faint of light probably to my safe haven. I couldn't find my way out of the woods. The branches were dancing in the wind and the moon was shinning bright. I tripped over a rock and rolled down the hill. It seemed like forever until I stopped then hit my head on a boulder. I knew I had to keep running. Keep going. I tried to get on my feet, but everything was spinning. The sky was spinning, the ground was spinning. Everything. I touched my head and winced and looked at the puddle of blood in my hands. I started to walk again holding onto each tree for dear life. I stopped walking when I felt something grab my foot. I tried pulling away but something someone was too strong for my own good. I looked down and I saw muddy hands holding onto my foot for dear life. I tried harder this time and fell in the mud. I screamed out loud trying to pry off the hands. Rain started pouring down on me. When I was struggling the rain wasn't clear it was blood... "Get off of ME!" I screamed when the hands started to move up my legs, past my thighs.

"I could never let you go."

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