Chapter 17: The Game

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    My chance for escape came a couple days later. The overcast sky ushered most of the boys inside and allowed me to come and go freely. Once afternoon had come, I hurriedly packed enough clothes for the journey and headed out.

    I slipped past the guards without a trace - weeks of analyzing their patterns (and improving my own skills) had made me more of a contender than I'd realized. It wasn't long before I crossed the village's edge and broke for the forest.

    With the Neverpeak cliffs dead ahead, I didn't worry too much about the unfamiliar path. That is... until it burst into flames. Literal flames.

    I stumbled back and stared at the leaping red fire in shock. How...?

    "Where do you think you're going?"

    My heart sank at the demand. I turned slowly, and there stood Pan stood with his hand raised, the flames obedient to his command.

    I'd forgotten how terrifying he could look.

    He stepped closer to my silent figure, knowing he'd caught me in the act. He fingered the backpack slung over my arm as I waited silently for him to accuse me.

    "Running doesn't suit you," he said threateningly.

    Oh, I sighed, he thinks I'm running away... An odd thing to be relieved about, but this I could defend.

    "I wasn't running."

    "Oh weren't you?" he said, cocking an eyebrow. Clearly not buying it, he chuckled softly and snapped his fingers. The flames instantly extinguished.

    "How did you do that?!" I exclaimed as the heat faded. "I thought you didn't have magic!"

    "I said magic on Neverland was slim," he corrected. "Not that it was nonexistent."

    I'm pretty sure my confusion and frustration amused him. Remembering that it was getting late, however, I grew solemn and asked, "So what're you going to do with me now?"

    He pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and stepped closer. So close that I could feel his hot breath on my nose as he whispered... "Nothing."

    My eyes begged why. He just smiled, answering that he was going to let me go.


    He stepped back and shrugged. "I like action. And I think it's time we let you choose." Turning to leave, he flashed that devilish smile and said, "Let's see what kind of girl you really are."

    With that, he was gone.

    I guess I'd always known he had magic. It's why I didn't question half the odd happenings that followed that boy - his shadow, his sudden appearance with Smee - but seeing the orange glow on his face brought an unwelcome fear of the mystery back.

    He really let me go... I realized. I stood debating for a moment; follow him, or keep heading towards the cliffs? Finally, I turned back towards the scorched path and thought, as though Pan could hear me... This is the kind of girl I am.

    I ran until I couldn't run any farther. Certain that I'd passed reach of Pan and the Lost Boys, I stopped, panting for breath. The rocky terrain I'd found myself on meant I was close - very close - to Neverpeak mountain.

    The island was breathtaking. Even in this forlorn place, the red and grey stone had a certain isolated beauty to it. From here in the mountains, the expanse of Neverland's green land and golden shores could be seen for miles. The enchanting Mermaid Lagoon seemed so close that I could reach out and touch it... Beyond the shore, only the salty blue seas spilt infinitely into the horizon. Even with all its treacherous beauty, I understood why the boys fell in love with this place.

    Just as I was wondering where exactly to head next, a twig snapped behind me. Something's here.

    Whack! A blow to the head, and everything went dark.

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