Chapter 19: Faith, Trust...

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    "Why tell me all this?" 

    "'Cause you've seen enough, and you deserve to know the truth about him," Tink answered plainly. "Plus… I suppose I have been a bit deprived of company lately." 

    We both chuckled, and I realized how nice it was to talk to a girl again. 

    Tinkerbell lent me a corner in her cave for the night (considering she'd knocked me out the day before) and told me about much of Neverland's history. I, in turn, told her about how I'd come to be with the Lost Boys - or rather, what I couldn't remember about how I'd come - and my time since then. She listened mostly in silence, except for the occasional question or comment - the most memorable one being, "I'm surprised they let a girl stay in their camp so long." 

    I finally told her about the Indians and my run-in with Tiger Lily. “They’re coming for you,” I warned. “For any fairy they can find, at least.” 

    Tink smiled. “I appreciate the warning, but I’ve handled more than a few Indians in my day. They won’t find me here.” Her face grew sombre for a second. “But on the other hand… how did you know to find me here?”

    “Tiger Lily sent me."

    "Ahh," she realized, looking more relieved. “The princess comes through again. Do you know if she told Pan?" 

    Flashbacks of the girl whispering in Pan's ear came rushing back, but I decided against sharing them. "Uh, I doubt it, especially considering she went to great lengths to tell me in secret." 

    She nodded in relief. "Good. He and those boys can never know about any of this." 

    It finally clicked what she was really asking me. I can never tell Pan she's here. I nodded in assurance that I understood. 

    The next morning, I explained my current situation to the fairy. "Is there any way you can help me?" 

    Up to this point she'd listened without a peep of expression. Now she sadly stated, "I don't have enough belief to make the dust anymore. Otherwise I'd love to help you, really." 

    My heart sunk in discouragement. “Don’t you have some extra lying around?” 

   “Even if I did,” Tink said defensively, “it wouldn’t be enough to help you and protect me.”

   I have no one else to turn to… Perking up, I asked, "What if my belief was enough?"
    She laid a sympathetic hand on my shoulder and said, "I appreciate your spirit, but no one person's belief is enough. And even if you did have enough to make up for the loss… I fear the faith and trust required is simply not in your veins." 

    I hung my head in defeat. Pan said this would happen… 

    "Tell you what… Here," she said, ripping a gold chain off her neck. In her palm lay a tiny vial of glittering dust. "I'm giving this to you. No, take it - it'll aid you in your fight against Pan." 

    Taking the vial in my hands, I stared at the glaring conflict it presented. "I… I don't want to fight him." My eyes met hers, begging for mercy - some sign that I didn't have to. 

    "I know," she said softly. "Who knows, maybe you won't have to. But rarely can one get past Pan without a little magic of their own." 

    She'd given me the means; but now what do I do? I wondered. 

    She walked with me to the entrance of her cave. "It was nice meeting you, Leona. Having another girl to talk to is kinda nice." 

    "It is, isn't it," I said smiling. 

    Playfully nudging me out the door, she said "Be safe, Mainlander." 

    "You too, Tink." 

    Just as I was about to leave, however, I turned and called back, "Wait! How do I know what to do next?" 

    "What do you think you do?" her voice echoed through the cave. "You go home!" 

    For the first time, I realized what she'd truly given me the power to do. I can go home… My spirits rose, and I clutched what was indeed my aid in the 'fight' against Pan. 

    I finally get to go home. 

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