Chapter 22: First Encounter with Mr. Smee

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    I wondered if Tiger Lilly would be disappointed in the choice I’d made. I wondered if Tink would be disappointed. Either way, it was too late now. I just felt bad that they’d put in so much effort to go around Pan for me to not escape. 

    Why would they do that for me? 

    The only conclusion I could ever come to was that I was a Mainlander; they knew I didn’t belong here with all the island's magic and secrets. And maybe they were right. 

    Yet here I chose to stay. 

    The vial never left me nonetheless. I kept it on a chain around my neck like a pendant of good luck, but only confusion seemed to come from it. The more I thought about the chance I’d turned down, the less I could remember why I’d chosen to stay. 

    It didn’t help that the boys were growing more vicious over the days since. It was like a fresh spark of motivation had ignited the reckless warriors I’d met on my first day. Now, they were bringing in hostages to camp for “questioning”... and I never saw any walk out. 

    I finally decided to ask about it. Walking up to Pan and Felix, who were about to enter the town hall for another “questioning,” I demanded what they were doing with him. 

    “Ah, Leona,” Pan smiled. “Care to join us? We’ve got a rascally seadog today.” 

    Shouts from inside the hut rang at his remark, and both boys snickered. I hated the team they made together. 

    “I think I’ll just see him when he comes out.” 

    Catching my drift, Peter smirked and said, “Look, sweetheart, I wouldn’t exactly count on ‘later’... these weak ones don’t last long. But you’re more than welcome to join us now,” he added, opening the door like a gentleman. 

    I grabbed his shoulder and leaned in so only he could hear. “So you really are killing them?” 

    “Whoa, whoa!” he exclaimed, purposely ditching my subtle approach. “Felix, you hear that?” 

    Does he have to bring him in on everything, I thought. The commander snickered at my irritation. 

    “She talks about us like we’re…” Pan placed a hand over his heart. “... monsters.” 

    “You’d think she’d understand justice after so long of being with us,” Felix added.

    “The only justice this falls under is his twisted version of it.” With that, I huffed back to my room. It’s not justice; it’s tyranny, I thought as their snickers drifted into the distance behind me. 


    “He’s escaped!” 

    “It’s a trap!” 

    The camp was overturned by racing boys and gunshots. Staring at the brewing chaos, Pan’s brows furrowed and fists clenched. “Filthy pirates!” 

    “Pan, what do we do?” Barosa asked. 

    The boy jumped from his vantage point and marched forward. “We take them down.” 

    Oh no… 

    “Lead them away from camp!” Pan ordered. An army of scouts nearly trampled me without a second glance - for the boys’ sake, I hoped they’d succeed at their task - and crossed the Eastern border. 

    “Leona, get out of here!” The voice sounded like Glen, but he was gone before I could see for sure who it was. 

    He was right. The hostage they’d taken in for questioning earlier had turned out to be a spy - a signal, more like - who’d gone in on a suicide mission to alert the waiting pirate hoard. On his gunshot, they’d struck and even caught Peter Pan himself off guard. 

    Infuriated that he’d been played, the boy retaliated with every one of his vicious talents. That merciless fire everyone so feared burned in his emerald eyes. “C’mon, boys!” Upon his command, that ragtag band switched into the primitive army only tamed by Pan’s chaos. 

    I didn’t stick around to find out what happened next. I’d nearly broken the forest’s edge when BOOM! A gunshot sounded, and the ground to my right exploded. Falling back, I peered around to find Smee, Hook’s little right hand man, pursuing me. 

    “Where do you think yer a’goin?” he asked, grinning. 


    “‘At’s Mister Smee to you!” he yelled, pointing the gun at my head. “Funny; Cap’n said you’d go runnin' for the hills. Just wait till he hears I lead the ambush and killed the oh-so-mighty lost girl.” 

   I scrambled backwards but stumbled. The stubby little man cocked the gun once more and aimed it at my head. “So long, lost girl,” he laughed. 

    “Someone, HELP!” I pleaded hopelessly. 

    No one came. 


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