Chapter 10

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Heyyy guess what!!! Im updating yayayayay!!! Don't Make you guys happy? Haha jk jk jk enjoy -Hanna

So after we got home we just went straight to bed not saying a single word. When I woke up I went to Hunters room to see if he was awake yet.

He wasn't there. Hmm wonder where he could be.I went downstairs to see if he might already be down there. I looked in the living room.

He's not there.

I looked in the kitchen.

He's not there ether.

Where could he be.

I tried to call his cell phone but he wouldn't answer. That's not like him. He would always answer his phone when I called him. Many something's wrong. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something or well nothing? I didn't mean for what happened yesterday, to well happen. I didn't know Jeff was going to be there. I mean how was I suppost to know.

Its been like 4 hours now and no sign of Hunter. I'm getting really scared. What If something happened to him? I called again for the 26th time no answer so I left another voicemail " hey it's me again please answer your phone I'm becoming scared and worried I don't want anything bad to happen to you because well I care about you do call me back or just come home please." after that message I was praying he would get it. I really want him to come home. I hope Jeff didn't find him.

But what if Jeff did find him? What would he do? Kill him, tourture him, Hurt him, I couldent even think about any more stuff he could be doing to hunter. I just hope hunter is safe and not in Jeff's reach.

Hunter still haven't answered his phone and it's getting later. Maby I should go looking for him.

I put on my hoodie and picked up my cell phone and keys. I locked the door behind me and started walking down the street. I looked on the side of people's houses. I went to every park within 10 square miles.

Where could he be?

Something cought my eye and I quickly turned. But there was nothing there. Then I felt like someone was watching me.

I started getting chills when I heard someone yell at the top of there lungs leave me alone!

I ran twords the voice and saw hunter standing over someone who was laying on the ground shaking.

I ran over to Hunter and threw my arms around him. He stumbled but then saw it was me and quickly wrapped his armed around me. I was now crying. I was so worried about him.

The person stood up and ran away. I wonder what Hunter did to him. The kid was a lot smaller then hunter.

"W...why didn't you answer your phone?" I said holding back more tears. "I was soo worried about you." I said lifting my head off his chest and punching him with all the strength I had left right in his chest.

"I'm sorry I was just taking some time away so that I could think."he said pulling me into another one of his addicting hugs.

"well never do that again!" I said letting a few more tears fall.

"let's go home and clean you up a bit." he said and he grabbed my hand and we started walking back twords the house.

It soon started to poor down rain and we were running to the carport of my house when he stoped and pulled me backwards back int the rain.

"what are you doing" I asked him.

He didn't say anything he just leand over and kissed me. Sparks flew. It was just like in the movies. This moment was perfect. It was everything I expected and more. When we pulled apart he leaned his forehead on mine.

"let's go inside now" he said. We went inside and we put on dry clothes.

We sat down on the couch and I pulled out a blanket. We put in a movie and cuddled into each other and watched the movie.

He was perfect. In every way. But I still kinda wanted to know who that kid was and what hunter did to him.

"hey, who was that kid and why did he run off like that?" I asked hunter he imidiatly tensed up.

"umm his name is max he went to my old school. We didn't really get along and one day he came at me with a knife and well stabbed me. That's why I came to this school. And he keeps finding me but I think he won't mess with me again I think I scared him pretty good." he said

"but what did you do to scare him?" I asked

"umm well I kind of pushed him and punched and kicked him I kind of beat the shit out of him......I'm sorry I was just letting out so many locked up emotions I'm so sorry" he said putting his head in his hands.

I Dident say anything I just wrapped my arms around him and kissed his temple.

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