Chapter 9

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Hey guys hope you are enjoying my story and please don't hate me I know I haven't updated in a long time..... I would love some more feedback and stuff so Plz comment😃..-Hanna

I woke up the next morning with all the memories of what happened last night came flooding back to me. I turned my head and saw Hunter laying next to me.

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen. I made me and Hunter some breakfast. I made eggs, bacon, and toast. I heard footsteps coming closer to me. I spun around and saw Hunter who was holding his stomach. I ran over to him giving him a hug.

After we broke apart he lifted his shirt to show me a large black bruse from Jeff.

"are you ok?" I asked him.

"ya now that your by my side."

"awww your so cute. Go sit on the couch I will bring you your breakfast."I told him.

He did as I told him and I brought him breakfast that we were going to share. I sat next to him on the couch. I sat cris cross applesauce and faced picked up a fork and scooped up some egg and held it out in front of hunters face. He just gave me a funny look.

I then got the fork closer to his mouth and he realized what I was doing. He opened his mouth and I shoved the egg into his mouth. He then returned the favor and fed me.

We sat there after we finished for about an hour just talking about nothing impraticuler. I got up and went to take a shower.

When I got out I quickly dried my hair and put on some black ripped up skinnys and put on a dark purple shirt.

I went downstairs an found hunter watching some tv I ran over to him and jumped on him. I'm sure I scared the crap out of him ecspecialy since he screamed like a little girl.

I got off him and said we should go shopping cause I need some new clothes. He agreed and we went to the mall.

I forced him into some very girly stores so I could get some new skinnys and hair dye. He then forced me into very guyish stores. We had so much fun. When we finished shopping we went over to the food court for lunch.

We got a pizza. We were just starting to eat when I started to feel like we should get the hell out of here. I ignored the feeling tho and kept eating pizza.

" Hi Angel long time no see" a very familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned my head and saw Jeff.

Oh no not here not now.

I knew I should have listened to my strange feeling.

"go away" u said threw gritted teeth. I looked at hunter who looked like a scared puppy.

"No I think I'm gunna stay." Jeff said in a very low voice.

I got up grabbed Hunters hand and tried to run out the doors but Jeff was to fast he grabbed my arm and pulled me back with so much force I hit the ground really hard.

"I told you im not going anywhere and neither are you!" he said pulling me to my feet with lots of force.

I then realized we were in a public place so I screamed rape at the top of my lungs.

People noticed and started to look at me. I was now crying and Jeff had let go of me and ran off. Hunter ran off to but when he saw jeff leave he came over to me and picked me up bridal style and we went to the car and went home.

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