chapter 7

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hey hope your enjoying:) -Hanna

*3 days later*

me and hunter just got home from school. and we were listning to some music on my ipod. we started dancing around like morons. it was some of the most fun ive had in a while. we were laughing and dancing super bad. we stoped dancing and feel to the ground. i was laying on my stumach and he was on his back so i had my head hovering over his. i leaned in and he leaned up and we kissed like in the spiderman movive where maryjane kissed spiderman.

i pulled away shocked that i did that. i quikly stode up and ran to my room yelling"im sorry im so sorry". then i locked myself in my room. i slide down the door and started to cry. i dont know what came over me. i know i like him but i dont think he likes me like that.

i heard something slide down my door. but it wasent something it was someone.

"why are you sorry" hunter asked

"i dident mean to do that im sorry" i said holding back tears.

"dont be. ive wanted to kiss you since we met."he said

"why why me"i said waitng for an answer.

"because when i first met you i knew you were diffrent well like me, you are stunning you are beutiful, you are always there for me, your eyes are georgeous, your eyes say everything you dont even need to talk, the way you mask your emotions makes me want to get closer to you find out what your thinking, your smile that gives you the cutest dimples,the way you are so vaunerable when you are alone, all i want to do is hold you and keep you safe, ever since ive seen you i wanted to be more than friends, i know its only been 5 days since we met but i feel like i know everything about you like weve known eachother forever. angel will you open the door and answer this question. will you be my girlfriend?" he said his voice cracking in spots like he was going to cry.

i slowly stode up and wiped the tears from my eyes and slowly opened the door. he quickly jumped up and whispered "please".

"yes." i said then he gave me one of his addicting huggs and i kissed his cheak.

"you dont even know how long ive wanted you to ask that" i wispered into his ear.

he picked me up bridal style and took me to the couch. he gently sat me on the couch and sat down. i put my head in his lap and we started a movie. we were waching the blind side.

the movie ended and i had fallen asleep in his lap. he pulled out the pull out couch and he woke me up. 

"hmm" i said and he motiond me to move in a more comfortable position.he laid next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. i really loved this boy. i thought to myself. i feel asleep feeling the safest ive felt since justin died. hunter takes my mind off of justin and well every thing else. when im with him my world stops and all i do is think about hunter.

i was woken up to someone kissing my forhead. then it all came back to me hunter is mine. i oened my eyes and they were met with the bright green ones of hunters.

"we need to get ready for school" he said and i got up.

"im going to go get ready" i said walking to the bathroom. i tooke a shower, got out dried and straightened my hair. i put on som half black half red pants with a band tee shirt. i put on my black toms and walked out of my room and was met by hunter he hugged me and we left for school.

we walked to school listning to my ipod he had his arm around my waist to let everyone know that i was his. even thoughnobody noticed because we were invisables.

we got to class and like always we were the first ones there. so we chose the two desks in the back. and just talked. before the bell rang we snuck a quick kiss. when the bell rang signaling lunch we ran out of the class room and went under our tree. we sat under the tree and he pulled out a pen and started to carve our names into the tree after he was done he gave me another sweet kiss. 

then the bell rang and we went our seprate ways to our class rooms. it was really boreing. then the bell rang and i rushed out of the class to meet hunter. when we met up we walked home holding hands. and when we got there we sat on the couch and whatched tv and ate icecream.

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