Leave me alone

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Whole day I was thinking about him. I was dreaming about him. God u either hate me so much or love me.

First day as trainee (if we won't include him) went well.

Vocal couch told me I have good voice and if I will work more and harder I will be good rapper too.

When I rapped Jimins Puss they were kinda shocked and told me I might even be lead rapper if I debut.

It was 11 pm and I went home.

I called Mary.

"I met him right?" Were her first words after she answered.

"How'd u know? Are you a witch or what?" I laughed.

"He texted me." She went quiet.

"What did he say?"

"He was fanboying over you" she laughed on top of her lungs.

"He was staring at me for whole 5hours. I was going crazy!"

"Why didn't u talk to him?? He almost cried bcs of that." She sounded angry.

"And what is there to talk about? I don't want to be in danger. For me u know that career is more important than that fucking relationship!"

"For gods sake. Why did u change so much? U guys loved each other. Don't make me remind you what he wanted to do with you! Did u forget those sweet messages after hard work he was sending you?? He loved you and he loves you and he will love you. Get that in mind!"

I hung up. I didn't want to hear anything else.

Today wa share day and I don't want tomorrow to be harder.

I quickly took shower and went to sleep.

I had a nightmare. And woke up instantly.

I hugged Mang Mary bought for me.

I hate sleeping alone.

It was 4 am. I still had 4 hours before I had to show up there.

I got dressed, took training clothes with me and left house.

I looked at a watch. 4:30 am.

Damn what should I do?

I received a text.

Mary: "are you sleeping? Or can u even sleep? U hate sleeping alone right?"

I called her.

"Nightmare baby?" She said when answered.


"That's fine. What are you doing?"

"Wondering around streets. You?

"I'm studying. Nah erase Stu from there. Ta-Tam! It's dying after that!" She laughed and I chuckled too.

"I'm hungry."

"U pig. Go eat smth. Some shops might be open."

"Yess. Found it."

"Eat black noodles for me. Ehh" she sighed.

"Want to taste that?" I laughed.

"Soooo badddd. I have news for ya"


"I might come in Korea for 2 months. "

"Joking right?"

"Nope! But it might be in February. I love it here. This school it Tabong!" She laughed.

"What's that."

"Can you even learn words when watching a kdrama? It means thumbs up."

"At least it's not me who hid that she knew Korean and even how to read!"

"Yaaa you never asked!!!"

"Whatever" wait let me FaceTime you. I'm eating already."

She didn't say anything.

When I opened camera I was shook.

"U became more beautiful young lady!"

"Well... I didn't. It's just I'm happy. I feel happy here."

"Hmm wow. And here i am all stressed and ugly."

"The way you think works how you look so stop it. Give him another chance."

"Please not now"

"Okay okay"

It's was already 5:30 am when I finished eating and also talking to her. I missed her so much.

I hope she will come to Korea soon bcs I really need someone right now.

After walking around it finally got 7 o'clock and I decided to go to SM already.

I thought it would take long but in 10 minutes I was already there.

Since dance studio was free I changed clothes and started exercising. I was revising Cherry bomb dance when I heard door opened.

"L? What are you doing here this early?"

It was him.

"I'm dancing. It's obvious."

"Stop being like that L. I missed you please. Just let me talk with you normally. Didn't u miss me?"

He was there standing 1 meter away from me.

"I did. I did miss you. But what? Does it mean anything to you? I was dying without you, but you know I can live now without you."

"Why did you become this cold?"

"Ask yourself Johnny. I'm not risking my career because of you. Maybe I still do feel something for you but no. "

Haechan came inside.

"Yo bro-" when he saw me he stopped talking. "L?"

"Yeah. It's me." I smiled sadly "as I see everything's good between you two. I'm glad"

"I'm so sorry L" Haechan said.

"It's past. That's fine." I smiled at him.

" L whatever happened-" he couldn't finish his sentence bcs dance choreographer came in.

"Okay let's wait for other to come. But you guys can start exercising."


"L and Johnny you two are together in group so why not. And director said he wants duet from you two so impress us"

I was shocked.

Hope you like ittttt😍😍 love you guys !! Hype Thai story up pls 😂❤️

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