Is this the end?

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Next 2 months went same as always. Practicing on our dancing, singing and playing skills.

Today they were extremely hard on us since tomorrow was going to be our debut but only us knew that.

It was going to be at MAMA awards and I was so nervous and excited at the same time.

Me and Johnny weren't able to see each other either because of this awarding show. Last time I saw his was airplane going to China.

I was leader, face of the group, main vocalist, sub rapper and lead dancer. Mary decided that we should be 4 girls finally. My stage name was EL, and others were Angelina, Lilith, Ruby.

And group name? It was Blooms.

I was going to my room when I bumped into Johnny. He seemed down and maybe slits from stress of the company. "Are you fine babe?" I caressed his cheek.

"I am. I'm just tired and sleepy. Let's go we have to be full of energy tomorrow " he smiled at me and took me with him.

He dropped me in front of my door kissed me deeply, like it was last kiss he was going to share with me and left.

Something was off with him but I decided to just ignore it and went for the bed.
Next day I work up one hour earlier than needed so girls would be ready for needed time.

"Get up! Rise and shine! We have to shock people today!" I smiled at them and put some hype up playlist.

"Oh my god EL! I'm sleepy and also we still have time" Ruby whined

"Get up and shower now!" I said sternly and they had no other choice anymore.

After making sure everyone was wide awake and fresh we made our way downstairs.

"Hi EL!" Haechan shouted, making everyone look at my direction.

I laughed while he came up to me

"I hope you aren't nervous! You are shining by the way!"

"Thank you! You too, as always. You nickname ain't Sun for no reason." I laughed

"Remember there's nothing to worry about! Just say the stage okay?" He hugged me quickly and then ran away. He was busy and like him everyone else was. It was a big day.

It was already 4 pm. Everything was ready. Our clothes were ready. We had last rehearsal on the stage and mic check before they handed us to the stylists.

They took perfect 1 hour to finish with each of us

I looked in the mirror and I almost cried. I couldn't believe this was me. I was wearing a sparkly dress, in black and hot pink. Our fandom colour was going to be pink actually, because when we say bloom I instantly remember blossoms so...

EXO and BTS were going to open the stage and after that it was us. I am so nervous.

I want to scream. I can't calm down.

I was going nuts when I felt familiar hands wrap around me.

"Don't worry. You are going to make everyone gasp in awe. Show them how powerful you are" Johnny said and after that kissed my neck.

"I miss u so much" I whispered.

"Me too. After your promotions, by the Christmas time let's go on the day okay?" He smiled gently at me.

I nodded exhilarated and hugged him tighter.

10 minutes where left before the show.

"I need to go backstage" I mumbled while pouting and looking at him.

He swiftly, without anyone seeing, pecked my lips and shood me to the backstages.

"Hwaighting!" He told to my group and left soon after.

"Bloom on the stage in 5 minutes!" Staff member shouted which made my heart jump leaps.

"Bloom get on the stage!" Someone shouted and we quickly ran to our positions.

Our concept was somewhere middle in girl crush and bad girl.

Our song - Shinings intro started and we all started making impressions.

"What the hella hot stage!" Monsta X members shouted once we got back into the backstage.

I smiled and bowed. Thanking them for the compliments.

I was searching for Johnny but I could never get hold of him. For gods sake where is he?

Ik I'm late and I'm so sorry 🥺 I hope u will enjoy it! Luv you guys ❤️❤️

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