Chapter 8: Charlie the Good, Cain the Bad

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It was morning and I woke up in the barn with hay through my hair and a naked lass next to me. Oh no...what had I done!! I threw my clothes on and raced towards Lullah's cottage. I knocked on the door. Dibdobs opened the door. "What do you want scoundrel!?" She asked angrily. " is Lules home?" I asked politely. " No. she's already headed off the school with that lovely boy Charlie" she replied pointedly. " now shoo! Shoo!" She slammed the door in my face. Did everybody know!?
I walked along with Charlie. Hand in hand we strolled along the road towards Dother Hall. When we reached the gates I saw Cain standing there....He looked upset. So, i decided I would treat him the the garbage full monster in trousers he is, and I snogged Charlie right in front of him. I could tell Charlie enjoyed it but the best thing of all... was the look on Cain's face as I kissed Charlie one last time and sashayed into school. When I saw the girls they all looked at me quizzically. "How are you so happy!?" Asked Jo. I threw my head back and striked my best pose. "Because I'm a QWEEN!" I exclaimed. The girls looked gobsmacked. "I'm sorry about Cain." Said Flossie. I looked her in the eye a smirked "don't be." I said "All I'll say is...praise the knees."

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