Chapter 3: Cain Hinchcliff?

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I walked down the path towards the little cottage and walked through the door to be greeted by normal hugs from dibdobs and knee hugs from the psycho twins. When I finally reached my squirrel room  opened my darkly demanding damson diary and looked at my last entry, about Charlie the dream boy. I closed my diary and laid on my bed, thinking about what just happened with Cain?
I walking into the shop and tapped the girl on the shoulder. She spun around and glared at me. "What do you want Cain!?" She asked.
"I wanted to talk to you" I said
"What about?" She asked, interested
" can we talk somewhere else?"
"Alright" she replied. We walked out of the shop and began at an amble pace down the path towards the barn.
"So. What is it?" She pushed.
"Well...your tallulah's friend ain't you?" I asked even though I already knew. She nodded and replied "yes. I'm Flossie."
"Nice to meet tha"I said, shaking her hand.
"So did you want to know somethin bout Lullah" she asked casually.
"Well...yes in fact...I" I started, as my face flushed red. I could feel it.
" oh my gosh do you fancy her!? Oh m gee!!!" She stared squealing.
"Yes. I do." I said firmly "now calm down. You look like a lunatic."
"You should steal her from Charlie!!!" Flossie exclaimed.
"Really? You think so?" I asked.
"Of course!!" She exclaimed. 
As we reached the barn Flossie had calmed down, but she had a devious look in her eye. I walked into the barn and the door slammed and locked behind me! I was stuck! I heard Flossie run of giggling. Oh no....
I was just getting up to go downstairs for dinner when I heard a tapping on my window. Could it be Charlie!? The owlets!? I looked down from the windowsill. It was Flossie!!! I threw my jacket on and raced downstairs. "Flossie!!!" I exclaimed throwing my arms around her.
"Lullah!" She exclaimed "Follow me!"
But it was to late. She had already grabbed my arm and soon as I knew it we were racing towards the barn. When we reached the barn I asked Flossie "what's going on?"
"You'll see" she replied, obviously excited. All of a sudden she grabbed me and shoved me into the barn. The door slammed and locked with a click. "Flossie!!!" I yelled " this isn't funny!!" After what seemed like ages of hitting the door I slumped down against the door in frustration. I was about to yell for help when I heard a rustling from the hay. "Hello?" I called. "Is anybody in here?"
I was trapped in a barn. With Lullah the dream girl. I was hiding behind some hay bales when she called out. I was so startled that I fell out of my hiding place. Right at Lullah's feet. She stood there staring at me with her gorgeous green eyes and her beautiful black hair. I smiled a sheepish grin and...oh no. My face flushed red.
Oh my gosh. Why was Cain in here? Ohhhh noooo I was stuck in here with Cain! Horrible, Mean, Cain. I was so shocked I started crying. Was he going to lick my nose again? No. Instead he jumped straight up and pulled me into an awkward hug. He smiled at me. But this time it wasn't a twisty bad smile. It was sweet. And nurturing. And god forbid! I actually in joyed being wrapped up in his arms. I looked up at him and smiled back. Then he kissed me. My legs turn to butter and I melted into the kiss. I know it was wrong but it felt so right. The world faded away as the kiss went on and on. I thought he was going to try and go further but no. He just kissed me and kept on kissing me. We finally snapped out of the trance when Flossie burst in and squealed "awwwwwweee!!!"
Find out what happens next chapter

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