40| Cisco Ramon imagine

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Prompt 'your hot in the morning'

Requested by @Evangelia257

You were having a hard time, you just lost your farther, and because of it your mother was becoming distant from you, which made you become distant from everyone at S.T.A.R. labs, your were currently sitting in the speed lab, you didn't know where you were going to stay tonight, you couldn't stay with your mother one more night and your current apartment, well no one was allowed to be in there, their was a gas leak.

everyone walked into the speed lab, probably because they figured something out about Devoo and they needed to train, ''you okay,'' Cisco asked

''yeah, I just.. I don't have any where to stay tonight, my mother is becoming very distant and I don't think I can spend another night with her,'' you said

''well why didn't you ask me, I mean I am your boyfriend,'' he said and helped me get up

''hey in my defence, the first time spending the night at a boyfriends house Is a big deal,'' I said and he wrapped his arms around me

''Yeah, okay'' he said ''well you are welcome to stay at my apartment anytime you want''

''thanks,'' you said and placed your lips on his

''do you guys mind,'' Barry said,

''sorry,'' you said and cisco unwrapped his arms and you walked out of the speed lab

*Time Skip*

you were lying in bed with cisco you, were so tired but you didn't want to sleep, for some reason you felt uncomfortable being out cisco's, you were so worried about It for some reason, since your mother becoming distant you never felt love from her and you were worried, that no one ever loved you only your farther and he was gone

''you okay?'' cisco asked me

''not really,'' you said and turned over to face him ''do you love me cisco,''

''wow, taking a lot of big steps tonight,'' he said

''cisco, please'' you said

''yeah I love you, I love you so much,'' he replied ''why,''

'' I guess I'm just being paranoid, my mother becoming distant from me has ruined me cisco, its made me believe no ones ever loved me, maybe not even my father,'' I said

''everyone at star labs loves you, but me the most,'' cisco said ''but do you love me back,''

''oh yeah, I love you so much,'' you smiled and kissed him and we wrapped our arms around each other and fell asleep

*The next morning*

I woke up to see that Cisco was no longer in bed, I was about to get out of his bed, but he came in with a tray with toast and tea for me and coffee for him. ''you didn't have to,'' you said.

''anything to show you how much I love you,'' he says and kisses you

''your like really hot in the morning,'' you smiled at him

''you too,'' he smiled back

''I love you,'' you say to him

''I love you too,'' he says and sits down with you

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