Chapter 9

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“It’s a friend’s, I borrowed it for the evening” Niall explains as we walk to the back of the cruiser and get on it.

From inside it is even more spectacular. We pass through the small gate into the wide space or the sitting area. As we stand backing the gate I notice that there are two long beige colored couches on my left and right side. And opposite us is a shut door which seems to be leading into driver’s cabin. On one side of the door is a flight of stairs leading up to the terrace. The whole place looks very sophisticated and posh.

“This way” Niall signals as he starts climbing the stairs and I follow.

There is an awkward silence as we climb up. 

“So you borrowed this for the evening?” I question to fill in the silence fallen over us.

“Yep” comes the reply from the blond guy who is busy spreading a picnic mat down.

It’s breezy tonight and the humid air seems to be taking the light mat in all directions.

“Ok” I answer as I crouch down and hold the mat for my new friend. He removes his shoes and backpack and sits cross legged. I sit down opposite him.

“This must be easily costing a few thousand dollars” I remark as I look around again taking in my surroundings.

“What? The cabin cruiser?” Niall asks as he removes 2 paper cups and a steel flask from his backpack and places them between us.

“Yeah..” I confirm

“Hmm… probably” he nonchalantly replies as he fishes for something else in his backpack.

I observe him quietly without questioning any further. He places a big bag of chocochip cookies beside the flask.

“You ask too many questions .. Your more like a detective than a cook” he says as he pours the content of the flask into the the paper cups.

“Hey it’s a chef.. I’m a pastry chef! Not a cook” I respond immediately.

“Same thing.. You cook.. So you’re a cook” he smirks.

“Whatever… By the way.. What do you do?” I inquire.

“And you are back into the detective mode I see” he chuckles as he hands me a cup filled with cold coffee.

“I guess it happens when I’m with you” I smile as I take a sip of the coffee.

“I’m an aspiring writer” Niall says sipping on his coffee.

“Hmm hmm… interesting.. continue” I nod  as I take another sip of the delicious drink.

“I haven’t published anything yet but I’m working on this story that I have in mind.. hopefully it’ll get done by the end of this year” he rubs the back of his neck and smiles sheepishly.

“Wow.. That’s cool..Goodluck for it” I respond genuinely.

“Thanks” he responds as he bites into a cookie.

“What’s your story?” he asks as he downs the coffee and turns to sit facing the sea.

He stretches his legs ahead of him crossing them and leans back as he stretches his hands behind, palms facing down.

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